Chapter 7

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Ayame didn't return home until near sundown and by then, a large group of men had gathered in her house. Her favorite dish sat on the table, a large plate made for her. As she walked in, the chatter stopped and all eyes turned to her.

She awkwardly made her way to the table and sat down, her back facing them. Her hair fell over her shoulders as she ate, revealing the seal on her back right shoulder blade.

"That's it huh?" Itachi's father murmured. Manzo nodded solemnly and looked away.

"I hated having to give her that burden, but now I just want it to make her stronger. It makes me wonder if he's the reason why she's so unsuccessful with her ability to learn."

Itachi pulled up a seat beside Ayame who ate hungrily. Her eyes flickered between him and her food as he watched her silently.

"What?" She paused sourly, chewing on her food.

"I expected you to come visit once you'd returned." He spoke. Ayame rolled her eyes, continuing to eat.

"I tried." She finally spoke after a few moments of chewing. "You were out having a moment with Izumi so I left."

Itachi's eyes widened slightly and he shook his head.

"I still would have been relieved to have been able to see you. To know you were okay. You were my top priority, even with Izumi."

"Oh ho ho." She finally turned to face him. "Boy do I feel special."

"Are you jealous?"

"Nothing to be jealous of. Izumi is good for you, I'm not. I understand why you'd choose her, she's everything I'm not. Just like Rin."

"Rin? The Genin?"

"Nevermind." She shook her head, continuing to eat.

Itachi watched her, Ayame sliding her bowl over.

"Here." She looked down at the table and sighed, dipping her head. Itachi looked over the food and picked up her chopsticks, beginning to hungrily eat. "I'll be leaving again tomorrow at dawn." She spoke. "I can't tell you where or with who I'll be going to, but I won't be back anytime soon. I hope to get stronger."

"You're already strong." Itachi objected. "The fire is just waiting to come out of you."

"How do I get it out of me?" She whispered and for the first time, turned to face him.

"You force it out. Pour some oil on it, do something that ignites the flames." He spoke. Ayame sighed, slowly closing her eyes.

The voices faded away and became distorted as Ayame started at the table. There was a low rumbling that vibrated her chest as her hand twitched.

"Ayame. Ayame!" Itachi repeated. "Let's go to your room."

He guided her upstairs and to her room. He stepped aside for her to sit, crossing his arms. He stared at the window which he had crawled in and out of on multiple occasions.

"Earlier this afternoon, Obito left on a mission with Rin and Kakashi." He started. "It has been reported that Obito...was protecting Kakashi and was smushed underneath a rock. He's dead."

Ayame stared at him, visible tears welling in her eyes.

"He's dead?" She sniffed, wiping her eyes.


"I know. Uchihas don't cry." She snapped, shaking her head. "Itachi, He was just here. He was just standing before me. I was just talking to him." She shook her head. Itachi stared at her, looking down for a moment.

"I know." He hummed. She stood, approaching the window.

"I need to breath." She whispered, opening up the window. She slipped through it and balanced on the thin beam between the window and the tree.


"I'll be back." She promised. "I just need a moment."

She slipped off the beam, landing silently on the ground. She started for the village, slowly trudging. It was silent, as if every creature and family was mourning the death of the bright, Obito. He had such a positive spirit that impacted everyone in the village, including Ayame. He had been one of the few to continuously motivate and encourage her to work her hardest. He supported her idea to train on her own and even offered to help her. Although, of course he could not now.

Ayame felt the tears swelling in her eyes and whimpered, forcing them away. She had made it to the village by then and spotted Kakashi, walking aimlessly in the streets. His gaze glanced up to Ayame who fell in sync beside him.

"You need to think too, huh?" She chuckled. Ayame was familiar of Kakashi, having seen him around most of the time when Obito was with her. He was exceptional and destined to be a great shinobi, excelling at a young age.

He gave her a cold glare. "Just leave me alone. You're influence on Obito was enough." He muttered. Ayame felt her blood run cold.

"Don't try and put his death on me!" She gritted her teeth and snapped. "He died protecting you! Maybe he would still be here if he didn't feel the need to have to prove himself to you."

Ayame's eyes widened as Kakashi turned. He reached out to grab her, but she leapt back and turned to run. Her short legs were at a disadvantage as Kakashi quickly gained on her. She threw him off as she skidded, dashing down an alleyway. Kakashi recovered quickly and followed in pursuit once more.

Ayame turned as he tackled her, roughly pinning her on the ground.

"Say it again." He threatened. Ayame stared up at him, her teeth gritted.

"You're scared." She whispered. "I'm not."

Kakashi drew his arm back, delivering a well-blown punch to her cheek.

"Beat me up!" She laughed. "You're just like everyone else. I'm not scared anymore-I'm not scared of you." She pushed him off and attempted to turn but he grabbed ahold of her long hair. She swung for his face, lifting her leg against his chest and pushing him.

"You're weak!" He snapped.

"I'm trying." She strained, finally managing to hit his face a couple of times. Her hair slipped from his hand and they fell back, landing a couple feet away. The back of Ayame's head slammed onto the ground and a rock pierced through her the back of her head and into her scalp.

She screamed out in pain and clutched her head where a gradual pool of blood was oozing.

Kakashi stepped back as Ayame's hair thickened within each second. Her body was shaking in rage and a red chakra had slowly formed around her.

"Leave." She stiffled. Kakashi stepped back as her head suddenly snapped towards him.

"I said leave!" She roared, her voice a much deeper tone. Ayame's gaze locked on Kakashi and she turned. Her body had been consumed in red chakra and slowly a tail had formed.

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