chapter 3

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Sinbad struggled, but soon looked up in shock to a woman in the water. Eris smirked as she appeared before blowing a bubble toward him, and even added his future son. Sinbad and Sinbad Jr soon both gasped for air once the water washed away.

"Today began with such promise..." Eris smirked to Sinbad. "And now look, my sea-monster is dead thanks to that punk kid, and I still don't have The Book of Peace, all because of you, Sinbad, and your new younger friend."

"Uh-huh..." Sinbad replied. "And, you are?"

"Eris." Sinbad Jr said.

"That's me; The Goddess of Discord~" Eris smirked. "No doubt you've seen my likeness on the temple walls."

"I see," Sinbad replied. "You know, they don't do you justice."

"Uh-huh... Now, about my sea-monster..." Eris glared toward Sinbad Jr.

"Sorry, but he was attacking us and would have taken the entire ship down under the ocean." Sinbad Jr told her.

"You don't suppose a heartfelt apology would do, would you?" Sinbad innocently asked the goddess.

"Heartfelt?" Eris cackled. "From the likes of you two? Sinbad, you don't have a heart, and why should this brat? That's what I like about you though, Sinbad~..."

Sinbad Jr cringed as he didn't like the sound of that.

"Why don't I like the sound of that?" He asked.

"So, I'm gonna let you live~" Eris smirked to Sinbad. "But... There's just one little thing you have to do. Get the Book of Peace, and bring it to me."

"Right... Now, see? That's a problem for me," Sinbad replied innocently. "'Cuz, I had my own plans for it. Ransom, get rich, you know, me stuff."

Eris was soon right in front of him as he backed off. "You're not thinking big enough, Sinbad," The goddess smirked. "Steal for a ransom, and you'll be big enough to live on a beach... Steal a book for me, and you can buy the beach, and the island, and the world~"

'She sure is persuasive.' Sinbad Jr thought to himself.

"Hmm... You let me live, you make me rich..." Sinbad paused to think this over. "I retire to paradise... So far, I don't see a downside."

Sinbad Jr looked down to his left hand as it seemed to fade in and out.

"If you keep your word." Sinbad warned Eris.

"Sinbad, when a goddess gives her word, she's bound for all eternity." Eris told him as she crossed her heart literally with a dagger, but of course, it would not harm her.

"And what about the kid?" Sinbad asked, referring to his future son.

"Well, what do you want, kid?" Eris smirked to Sinbad Jr.

"Uh, well, I, uh..." Sinbad Jr stammered as he wasn't sure what he wanted.

Eris began to start thinking of what Sinbad Jr would want and then remembered how most girls were fawned over guys with muscles. "How would you like to be stronger?" she then asked.

"Uh, stronger?" Sinbad Jr chuckled. "Lady, I think I'm covered."

"I mean without using your magic belt and still have your powers?" Eris smirked.

Sinbad Jr gasped.

"You thought I didn't know about that?" Eris smirked. "Oh, contrare~"

"You can really do that?" Sinbad Jr asked.

"I can do anything one desires if they do a favor for me~" Eris smirked.

"All right... You're on." Sinbad gave in.

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