chapter 7

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Soon enough, the ocean started to freeze up. Even Spike's drool had been frozen into ice.

"For crying out loud, what next?" Sinbad complained before turning over to see Kale. "Oh, get a shirt on before you poke someone's eye out!"

"When did it suddenly turn into winter?" Maritza shivered.

"Okay, guys, get down there and break it out!" Sinbad told his crew. "We gotta get moving!"

The crew soon brought out pic-axes and began to hack at the ice. Sinbad Jr soon joined in. Salty seemed to yawn since it was like winter now.

"Was that a yawn I just saw?" Sinbad Jr narrowed his eyes at his parrot.

"It's like winter now, how can I help myself?" Salty asked.

"Well, you can't fly South now, we'll get through this." Sinbad Jr told his pet.

"Alright." Salty said before yawning.

Sinbad Jr sighed, but he carried Salty in his hat to keep him warm for now and even put a cloth around him like a blanket. Maritza started to shiver even more.

"Oh, Maritza, you look so cold." Sinbad Jr frowned.

"S-S-Sorry," Maritza shivered. "Can't help it."

Sinbad Jr soon took Maritza inside so they could find warm clothes for her. Maritza shivered a bit.

"I know this might not be fashionable, but here you go." Sinbad Jr said as he found a black coat for her.

"It'll do," Maritza said as she took the coat to keep warm before feeling much better. "Oh, that's so much better."

Sinbad Jr smiled to her and she smiled back to him.

"Steal the Book of Peace," Rat mocked as he shivered and hacked at the ice. "We will retire in the tropics."

Spike soon barked as he could sense some incoming danger.

"What's wrong, Spike?" Sinbad Jr asked.

"There's something out in the snow." Spike replied.

"From where?" Sinbad Jr asked.

There seemed to be a white mist in the distance.

"Right there..." Spike whimpered before looking scared.

"That mist?" Sinbad Jr asked.

There was then a loud boom heard and soon came out a snow bird which startled some.

"Everyone, back on the ship!" Sinbad commanded.

"What is that thing?!" Maritza yelped.

"I'm not sure!" Spike added.

"Drell, what is that?" Cherry asked.

"That would be a Roc..." Drell replied. "A Snowy Roc, one of Eris's many pets."

"Uh-oh..." Mo said.

Everyone rushed as quickly as they could back on the ship. One member tried to outrun the Roc, but soon went into the water to avoid the snowy bird.

"JED!" Marina cried out.

The man soon came out of the water and struggled to stay onto the piece of ice he grabbed, but couldn't due to it being slippery. Maritza seemed too scared to move.

"MAN THE BOAT!" Marina called out before taking out some rope to threw towards Jed to save him.

Maritza soon saw the Roc coming back. "It's coming back!" she yelped while shivering, both from fear and the cold. She soon saw where it was flying to and what it was going to pick up.

Maritza Meets Sinbad: Legend of the Seven SeasWhere stories live. Discover now