chapter 9

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The sun was setting in Syracuse as Proteus looked like he had been let down and it was time for the execution, but of course, his death would not come.

"This is really sad and scary." Mo sounded emotional.

"He'll be fine..." Atticus soothed her.

Luckily, Atticus was right as Sinbad and the others soon arrived. Mo shivered slightly.

"It's okay, Mo, it's okay..." Atticus soothed his girlfriend.

"I hope everything will be alright." Mo said.

"It will be, I'm sure of it." Atticus soothed her.

Once the group arrived, Proteus's execution was called off.

"I bet you thought I wouldn't make it." Sinbad smirked as he took Proteus's hand.

"I was beginning to wonder..." Proteus smiled as he held his neck briefly before hugging Sinbad.

'Well, here comes the moment of truth.' Sinbad Jr thought to himself.

"The Book...?" Proteus prompted.

"I did my best, it wasn't enough." Sinbad frowned.

"No... You came back anyway." Proteus replied.

"How could I do anything else, my friend?" Sinbad sighed softly.

Sinbad Jr soon took off his magic belt. Marina stood beside and put her arm around Spike as they all watched Sinbad and Sinbad Jr. Sinbad Jr handed his magic belt to Maritza as she formed tears in her almond eyes. Sinbad and Sinbad Jr soon got in position for their death.

Cherry frowned as tears were in her eyes. "I'm not gonna cry! I'm not gonna cry!" she then said weakly.

The executioner was soon about to kill Sinbad and Sinbad Jr.

"Sinbad, no!" Spike barked.

Marina held him back as he howled sadly. Salty even took off his hat and bowed his head about losing his best friend. Sinbad and Sinbad Jr squeezed their eyes shut to get this pain over with.

"And Eris should be coming in 3, 2, 1." Drell smirked.

The executioner was about to lower the ax until there were flakes to be shown all around. Everyone went from emotional to extremely confused in a matter of seconds. Black clouds formed in the sky.

"Get back!" King Dymas told the others.

'Right on time.' Sinbad Jr thought to himself.

The goddess soon appeared, looking rather agitated with the father and son. "How dare you?! Everything was going perfectly, and now you do this!"

'Guess she didn't count on them going back.' Maritza thought to herself.

"Eris, I don't understand." Sinbad said to the goddess.

"Don't play coy with me," Eris glared to him. "Maybe you can fool these people, but I know who you are. You're a selfish, unprincipled liar!"

'She's losing it.' Maritza thought to herself with a smirk.

"Wait a minute, I didn't lie. I came back," Sinbad told Eris as she grew in size to confront him. "That's why you're here. This was all part of your test. I told the truth. And wasn't there something about being 'bound for all eternity'?"

Maritza and Sinbad Jr soon smirked to each other. Eris glared down at Sinbad, shaking her fist while the mortals stared her down. Her mark soon stopped her from harming him or Sinbad Jr. She brought out her fist and soon opened it up to show the Book of Peace.

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