chapter 5

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One of the crew members lit a torch since it was very dark and they couldn't see very well before lighting lanterns all around.

"Here we go." Maritza said.

"You gonna be okay, Maritza?" Sinbad Jr asked.

"Yeah," Maritza smiled. "This is like an adventure."

Sinbad Jr smiled back to her. "That it is."

They soon got on their ship. Salty came to Sinbad Jr's side like always.

"And to Tartarus, we go." Sinbad Jr said.

"I'm a little nervous about that, but I feel confident with you." Maritza blushed.

Salty could see the look in Maritza's eyes.

"Hmm..." Kale looked thoughtful. "So, any idea how we actually get to Tartarus?"

"Tartarus? Oh, no," Sinbad chuckled. "People get killed in Tartarus!"

"We are going there anyway." Sinbad Jr said.

"Actually, I have something else in mind." Sinbad said as he brought out a new map.

"What?!" Sinbad Jr, Salty, and Maritza asked.

"Fiji!" Sinbad replied as he put down a different map.

"We are not going to let Proteus die in ten days!" Sinbad Jr glared.

"Oh, kid, but think of the beaches." Sinbad replied.

"Sure, if you like mosquitoes." Kale muttered.

"And besides, Proteus is risking his life." Maritza said.

"The kids are right, besides, it's Monsoon season, and the women there are cannibals." Kale told Sinbad.

"Exactly." Sinbad shrugged innocently.

"Don't you think of anyone but yourself?" Sinbad Jr scolded his future father.

"I was just about to ask that." Maritza said.

"Yes, Proteus is your friend." Kale agreed with the teenagers.

"Listen to you guys, you sound like my mother," Sinbad rolled his eyes. "Proteus will be fine."

"No, he won't; he's risking his life for you and Junior!" Salty told him.

"Oh, come on now, there's no way that Dymas is going to let them execute his one and only son." Sinbad replied.

"So, we're running away?" Kale shook his head at Sinbad's selfishness.

"We're retiring," Sinbad replied before leaving. "We don't need another scroll, we've got enough. Set a course for Fiji."

'I am this close to knocking him unconscious.' Maritza thought to herself.

"Gentlemen, we're heading to Fiji." Sinbad smirked.

Everyone else cheered, though Kale didn't like the sound of this like Sinbad Jr, Maritza, and Salty.

"Don't worry, he's not greedy like this in the future," Sinbad Jr whispered to Maritza. "He's actually very nice and a cool dad, I kinda took on his adventurous legacy after I got old enough since he decided to retire when my mother was pregnant with me."

"So, how are we getting to Tartarus?" Maritza whispered back.

"Um, Kale, how do we get to Tartarus?" Sinbad Jr smiled nervously.

"I'm sure Sinbad will change his mind somehow," Kale hoped. "I hope so anyway."

"Same here." Salty said.

Maritza Meets Sinbad: Legend of the Seven SeasWhere stories live. Discover now