Chapter 1

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Haddonfield, Illinois

October 31st, 1978

Laurie struggled against Michael's inhuman grip around her thin throat, her eyes were wide with fear as her hands danced with his, doing anything in her power to get free from him. She wailed, gasped and tried to scream but nobody seemed to hear her cries. Her blood covered fingers reached up and hooked beneath the rim of his white mask, she tore it upwards and he released her to where she plummeted into the flooring.

She sat against the wall looking up at Michael as he attempted to put his mask back on. His chest rose with anger every few seconds. A small feeling of power rushed over Laurie as she saw the eye that was now swollen and curled inwards from where she drove the coat hanger into. He slid the mask on and she lifted her hands to shield herself. As he stood above her getting ready to kill, a loud gunshot rained across the Doyle house, causing Laurie to jolt and cover her ears.

Michael bounced back into the master bedroom, stunned and breathing heavily with rage. A man in a long brown coat ran past Laurie and into the bedroom to where Michael was standing. He lifted the revolver up and opened fire. Michael moved back with each shot, he turned, twisted and jumped as the man shot him onto the deck. He slid back, turned and fell over the balcony and dropped to the ground below with a thud. The gun clicked and he slowly lowered it, the smoke from the barrel still present in the air.

Laurie slowly pulled her hands away from her ears and looked up, her makeup ran from her tears that danced down her cheeks. She was trembling with fear. Her shoulder was pulsing with blood; her hand was cut up with a shard of glass still buried inside. She looked the man in the eyes and sighed deeply. "It was the Boogeyman" she said, her voice breaking into a sob.

He looked down at her, then back to the balcony then back at her once more. "As a matter of fact, it was".

The man walked across the room and out onto the back deck, his eyes looked down at the ground and widened as Michael was nowhere to be seen. He looked up and looked around the yard slowly, his eyes scanning every section of darkness. Laurie's cries could be heard from the hallway; she was burying her face in her hands sobbing uncontrollably as the pain and memories of the horrific night of Halloween danced in her head.

"I'm sorry about that. Now, are you alright?" The man asked, crouching in front of Laurie.

Laurie was still shaking; she slowly shook her head but instead asked; "who was that?"

"Michael Myers" the man said.

Laurie frowned and looked at him with a confused glance, her eyes still laced with fresh tears. "Michael- Michael Myers?"

"Yes, he was the one that was after you" he informed her.

Laurie's eyes danced around, she looked down at her feet with a sad sigh and then back up at him. "You mean, the Myers house?" he nodded. "That little kid who killed his sister?"

He replied, "Yeah".

"But he's in a hospital somewhere" Laurie said, determined to prove him wrong.

The man frowned. "He escaped last night".

Laurie spoke; "how do you know?"

"It's on the radio, it's most likely playing right now", the man said. He could hear sirens approaching in the distance. "I'm his Doctor, I followed him here. You're lucky you survived".

"Why me?" Laurie asked, her voice lowering into a whisper. "I mean, why me?"

The sirens got closer and Doctor Loomis stood up. "The Police are here, wait for them, I have to go. You'll be safe, I promise" he said. He began running down the hallway, he turned at the steps and began going down quickly while Laurie watched him, soft sobs coming from her lips as she skipped down and went out the front door.

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