Chapter 8

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Vicky stood in the kitchen, her hands burried in the depths of the soapy water of the sink. She was finishing up on the dishes while Jullian was alseep upstairs. She lifted a large kitchen knife from the water, the ceiling light reflecting from the edged blade. Her eyes scanned the water, the soap dancing around her fingers as she picked up more and more kitchen utensils. She washed the blade then placed it in the drying rack and dried her hands.

Reaching down she removed the bin bag and lifted it and began walking towards the backdoor. She opened it and stepped out into the night, she left the door open and turned and lifted the lid and slid the bag inside and closed it. She stood there and turned her head and looked out into the yard, as her eyes scanned the darkness, Dave appeared from the wilderness, Vicky jumped and closed her eyes in fright as Dave laughed and kissed her cheek.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you like that”, Dave whispered. “I didn’t want to ring the doorbell and wake the kid up”.

Vicky laughed and invited him.

“When do his parents get home?” He asked, looking at his girlfriend.

“Not until late. And we have the place to ourselves before Allyson and Cameron come over”.

Dave turned and showed her a jack-o-lantern. “Check it out. First one from the patch!”

“Oh my god!”

“-His eyes are hearts” Dave smiled.

“I love it”. In his other hand was a wooden broom with a stuffed horse head on the end. He smiled and introduced him as ‘Tate’. Vicky smiled and kissed the horse.

“Hi, tate”.

She opened the door and pulled him inside the house before she closed it.

“So what should we do? You wanna make some popcorn and watch a spooky movie?”

She puckered her lips. “Hmm, no”.

Dave placed the pumpkin on the counter and leant Tate up agaisnt the wall and removed his arm from his jacket and showed her his upper arm, “I went and got this tattoo”, Vicky looked down at it and shook her head in disbelief. “Because tonight is the night, the one that we’ll remember for the rest of our lives”.

The tatto was of a date, 31/10/2018.

“You’re so getting dry fucked tonight!” Vicky said. “C’mere”, she jumped into his arms and kissed him.

Jullian awoke to the hinges of his bedroom door sqeaking, his eyelids fluttered open from the darkness. He was facing the fishtank when he opened his eyes, he saw the small lights inside glistering up the wall. He rolled over in his bed, his voice low “Vicky?”, his eyes landed on the door. He froze in fear. Standing in the doorway was a tall masked figure. He was dressed in dirty coveralls, a white halloween mask with dirty brown hair. His arms were down by his sides and he was looking directly in at Jullian.

Jullian didn’t move. He just laid there looking straight back up at him with fear written over his face.

The masked man tilted his head, his cold eyes scanning over Jullian.

The young boy closed his eyes and held his breath. His hands were closed and he was silently calling for help in his head. When he decided to open his eyes again, the man was gone. He was nowhere to be seen and that’s when Jullian launched himself from the bed and ran out into the hallway. He looked  bothways before leaping down the steps and entering the hallway where Dave was.

Dave jumped back in fright as Jullian crashed to where he was.

“I saw someone standing in the hallway! Standing right outside my door!” Jullian exclaimed.

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