Chapter 13

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Laurie speaks to Ray, "this is how us Strode's protect ourselves".

Karen disappears down the ladder. The light from within turns on. Laurie and Ray approach and look down.

They see a woman prepared. Food. Water. Weapons. A bed. In contrast to the rest of the house, it's a clean and organized illustration of Laurie's fears. Karen climbs down the ladder and feels the wave of her troubled youth wash over her. Laurie and Ray come down behind her. Laurie types in a password, "103178" and reveals a gun cabinet full of weapons.

"Pick your poison. Do you need small caliber defense, semi-automatic ballistics with brownout rounds, a shotgun for tactical operations or  a rifle with accuracy and stopping power?"

They look at Laurie's confidence. Or is she coming unglued?

"He's waited for this night. He's waited for me. I've been waiting for him".

The Doctor squats, looking at his patient passed out. The Shape is motionless. He puts a knee on The Shape's chest... he observes Michael and reaches down and grabs his mask. Allyson sees him stand back up at the hood of the car. He is wearing the mask. Allyson huddles down, scream. He screams in the mask with her, banging on the hood of the car. He taunts her.

She is trapped in the backseat.

He walks up to her window. He stares at Allyson and makes a "shush" finger on the mask, then walks over to The Shape. 

"This is a dream, Michael. You've lived up to your name".

Allyson watches out her window and panics.

"Please... No!"

The Doctor awkwardly lifts Micheal into the backseat of the car with Allyson. He struggles with the pain of his wounded arm . His body slumps over leaning on her. She sees Michael's greasy hair touch her. She pushes him off.

"Make room for my patient".

Talking to Michael, he leans in. "Are you with us Michael? Are you listening?" He looks at Allyson. "I don't think so". The Doctor takes off the mask and looks down at it. He chucks it inwards, it lands between Allyson and Michael. Allyson looks down at the mask, it's cold eyes looking back upwards. 

Allyson frantically tries to open the car door as The Doctor drives off. She is slumped against the door, Michael's face is hidden in darkness, only revealed when they drive past a street lamp.

He jolts. 

"Michael, I see why you are who you are. The sensation is obvious. The thrill is exhilarating. Loomis was a coward. He was afraid to travel to such depths for you. But I love you and I know you feel the same way. I freed you from those unwilling to understand you. Those of archaic mind". The Doctor spoke.

Allyson is desperate by now. She wants to get out.

"Please let me go".

He ignored her. "The look on your face when you saw * freedom? And then the carnage and confusion we created".

"Please just let me out!" Allyson cried.

She looks at his eyes in the rear view mirror watching her, cold, calculating, perverse. She looks down at the mask sitting on the seat between her and Myers.

"I'm very glad we are together, Michael" he said.

She looks back down at the seat... it's empty. No mask.

She looks up. 

The Shape is wearing the mask and looking directly at her.

"Oh fuck!"

Before she can scream, The Shape grabs Allyson's hair and throws her into the passenger side door. He scoots back and lifts his leg; he starts kicking the window with his boot. The car starts to swerve out of control as he fractures the glass. The car jerks right and Allyson slams against the door... The car skids to a stop at a slight angle in the middle of a rural road. The Shape goes into a fit in the back seat. The Doctor remains calm. He looks at police car that is guarding the gate to Laurie's compound a hundred yards away.

The Shape kicks the window in the back seat while he sits calmly in the front.

"What greater spectacle than to reunite two old friends. Michael Myers and Laurie Strode. A historical reunion"

The back seat settles. All is quiet.

"Are you ready Michael? She's been waiting for you".

Suddenly, the barrier from behind The Doctor is thrust with brute strength inward. Its velocity pins The Doctor against the steering wheel. Allyson screams as the cage slams him until he is still. Allyson screams.

The cops look at the car ahead. They can't see the commotion because of the glare of the lights. They turn off their radio. They hear the horn blaring. 

Officer Richards speaks into the radio, "601? 606 to 601? Hawkins. Turn your fuckin' radio on. Hawkins?"

"Let's check it out". Officer Francis says.

Officer Richards puts the car in gear and drives off. 

The Shape is out. Allyson panics in the back seat as The Shape grabs him by the feet and drags him out of the car. His head hits the concrete hard. The Doctor struggles. He is not unconscious yet. The Shape takes a knee and gags him against the pavement. He hears the loudspeaker from the police car. 

Allyson sees an I.D badge on the passenger seat. Dr. Sartain.

As The Shape stands to see the approaching police car, Allyson makes an escape and dashes into the woods. The Shape watches her go and then looks down to an injured Doctor at his feet.

"But you... you said I could watch" Dr. Sartain said.

The Shape lift boot over his head. Sartain looks at his own reflection in the metal side of the vehicle. A sick grin on the doctor's face--

"Do it".

The Shape stomps down on his skull hard. Brains shit out of his skull as it's crushed against the pavement.

Allyson looks back and sees The Shape-- staring down at his boot on Sartain's crushed skull. The Shape tilts his head. Allyson starts running as fast as she can into the forest. The Shape looks up as the other cruiser approaches.

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