Chapter 12

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Allyson comes running out into the street. Her voice is loud and full of fear as she pleas for help. Allyson looks to a house that has a light on inside. She runs up to the porch and pounds her fists desperately on the door.

"Help! Let me in!!!"

A light turns on and she looks inside.

"Please open the door!"

A face appears in the window.

On the opposite side of Haddonfield, Officer Richards is escorting Laurie, Karen and Ray to her house outside of town. Red and blue flashing lights fill the air as they drive onward. Karen's phone suddenly rings and she hurries to pick it up. "Hello? Allyson?...Oh thank god. Where are you?"

She listens to her daughters story and covers her mouth in shock.

"Oh, god" she looks at Laurie.

Laurie looks back. Her face pale.

Hanging across the road from the house, The Shape watches as Allyson is provided comfort from the people that let her inside. She is sitting on the front porch as Hawkins zooms past quickly. He parks his car and climbs out. The Shape watches. Michael's Doctor climbs out also.

"Allyson?" Hawkins says quietly. "Hey. It's okay. Tell me what happened?"

"He...he came out of nowhere. My friend...he killed my... oh god!" she sobbed.

"It's okay. We are here to take you to your mum. It's going to be okay. Here, get in".

Hawkins looks at Allyson in the mirror. He turns to look at her through the metal barrier and talks into the radio. 

"601 to dispatch. I'm 1076 with a witness in custody".

More radio chatter came through the speakers but Allyson paid no attention.

They start driving back into Haddonfield central. 

"Where is your grandmothers house?" Asked Hawkins.

"Oh, god. I haven't been there in years but I think I can give you directions--" Her eyes strain. She lets out a scream. "Look out!"

Walking across the road is The Shape, he is holding the bloody kitchen knife and moving silently. The spotlight glues to him and he continues to walk. Hawkins swerves the car and speeds up and drives towards him violently. The car bounces across the surface before striking Michael harshly. He is sent flying into the concrete, the car stops and Allyson looks around as the two adults climb out and approach Michael.

Hawkins has his gun drawn as he approaches The Shape. Allyson watches from inside. The Doctor steps up cautiously from behind Hawkins, passes him and examines The Shape, feeling the pulse on his neck. 

"He's alive".

"Not for long. Step aside!"

The Doctor yells, "stop it. Leave my patient alone!"

Officer Hawkins takes aim but The Doctor steps in.

"Leave him alone!"

"Get back, now. I'm going to fire!" The Doctor takes a deep breath and pull his pen from his pocket. He clicks it nervously. He slides the clip of his pen to the side. The ink point retracts, and a sharp two-inch blade flicks out. He grips the blade, turns around, quickly grabs Hawkins gun hand and stabs the steel straight into Hawkins' neck!

Allyson can't believe what she's seeing.

The gun goes off then drops to the ground.

He inhales the feeling of his kill. He pulls the pen out of Hawkins's neck, and reveals; a long bloody blade. *click* the blade retracts. Hawkins drops. He turns to see Allyson looking at him from the car. He speaks calmly.

"Don't move, young lady. Don't scream. Stay right there".

The squad car pulls up to Laurie's gate. A harsh overhead spotlight let's us know where we are. Laurie types in a password and the security gate opens. 

Officer Richards turns to them. "We'll drop you off and wait at the gate for your girl to arrive. We have an officer on the scene in contact with her now".

Several locks and reinforcements detach as Laurie, Karen and Ray step into Laurie's home. Karen looks around the familiar house. It's been a while. Ray and Karen explore the various details of the interior. The fireplace has been sealed off with concrete, dead-bolt locks on interior doors, windows with security bars.  

"Home is where the heart is, right Laurie?" Ray asks.

Laurie stares at him and he points the mousetrap with a dead rat in it.

"I saw your mousetraps, Ray. Peanut butter and marshmallow fluff?" Karen takes a pensive moment before she twists the kitchen island counter-clockwise and lifts the door to the underground shelter. Ray looks curious. "Welcome to my childhood".

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