Chapter 10

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"Allyson, please! I'm sorry I didn't mean to go off like that" Cameron pleaded as he caught up with the now angry and upset Allyson who was storming away with her arms folded across her chest and a look of hurt across her face. "Allyson, please just stop and talk to me. Look- I got your phone- all you need to do is put it in some rice or something. Fuck, I don't know-"

"Just stop, Cameron! Okay?" She turned on her heels.

"I'm sorry" he slurred, alcohol drifting from his mouth as he spoke. "Look, about what you saw. I don't know, she just came up and was talking to me and fuck, I don't remember much".

Allyson scoffed and lowered her arms. "I don't think I can do this right now, Cameron".

"I can't handle Gin very well".

He sighed. "I will even buy you a new phone, it smells like cheese" he laughed.

Allyson turned her head and looked across the oval, the fog lights were dimmed and through the treeline she could see approaching red and blue flashing lights, she frowned and Cameron turned and looked over and sighed. She turned back to Cameron. He was looking worried, his eyes were heavy and he was looking around slowly, he shrugged at her.

"How much did you have?" She asked.

He went to speak, but the red and blue flashing lights caught his attention and he turned and looked at the carpark where the cruiser was stationed. The front doors opened and two officers climbed out and began walking towards them. Cameron backed up onto the fence, his head looking up as a wave of panic came over him.

"Party is over guys, Sheriff has put out a curfew", one of the officers said to them. "It's not safe out here anymore, you've gotta get home".

Allyson looked at them both. "What's going on?"

"Afraid I can't tell ya, sweetheart. Just get home".

Cameron piped up. "We- we were in the middle of a fight, and you completely ruined that for us just so you know. We were resolving it and then you showed up-"

"Cameron!" Allyson said harshly, turning and grabbing his arm.

Cameron glanced at her and then back at the cop who smirked. "C'mere, champ" he demanded.

Cameron looked away. "No, no I'm good actually".

"Get the fuck over here!" He shouted.

Allyson looked over and saw that Oscar was watching from the bushes, she looked at him and shook her head in annoyance. Looking back at the officer, he was up in Cameron's face mocking his Halloween outfit. When Cameron snorted and told the officer to go fuck himself he was thrown into the fence and cuffed. He kicked and cried like a little girl and Allyson covered her mouth in shock and watched as he was dragged away.

The other officer turned. "Get home now, it's not safe out here tonight".
She smiled weakly and nodded, turning to Oscar she waved him over. "Come on, let's get out of here".

They began walking down the streets of Haddonfield and deeper and deeper into the danger zone, but they had no idea what they were getting themselves into.

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