Day 4

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A/N ~ Small time skip of one day

For the rest of the day yesterday, the younger kept asking to video chat him. Yoongi continued to decline, but the orange haired boy couldn't take no for an answer. Yoongi isn't the brightest boy, but even he knows not to show his face to a stranger. Especially one who sent porn to him accidently. He didn't understand why Jimin was so desperate to meet him.

Yoongi's phone

JimminiePabo: What can't we video chat?

There he goes again

Ispitfire🔥: Don't u have someone else to bug
Ispitfire🔥: Anyone at all?

JimminiePabo: He's busy
JimminiePabo: And I'm bored

Ispitfire🔥: Oh
Ispitfire🔥: So I'm second choice?

JimminiePabo: No, ur my number one

Ispitfire🔥: I'm the worlds number one 😎

JimminiePabo: No but seriously we should
JimminiePabo: At least tell me about yourself

Ispitfire🔥: Why?

JimminiePabo: Why I wanna face time, or why I wanna no more bout you?

Ispitfire🔥: both

JimminiePabo: Cause I wanna see ur face
JimminiePabo: And get to know you obviously

Ispitfire🔥: We've only talked for three days

JimminiePabo: Four now
JimminiePabo: And so?

Ispitfire: It's weird

JimminiePabo: Idc

Ispitfire🔥: Convince me
Ispitfire🔥: And I just might

JimminiePabo: Okay

JimminiePabo is offline

For well over five minutes, Yoongi waited for Jimin to reply. Did he have to do something? Why the fuck didn't he just tell me he had to leave. His phone made a dinging sound, signifying he got a notifications but he ignored them all, waiting for Jimin's reply. Just as he was about to turn of his phone. Jimin appeared back online.


Ispitfire🔥: Took u long enough

JimminiePabo: I needed something good to convince you with

Ispitfire🔥: And it is?

JimminiePabo: Once we meet, will treat you to your favourite foods

Ispitfire🔥: One, were never gonna meet
Ispitfire🔥: Two, I could just buy it myself
Ispitfire🔥: And three, you don't even know what the foods I enjoy are
Ispitfire🔥: Idiot

JimminiePabo: Ur favourite foods are Bulgogi, tempura and sushi. And ur fave drinks are iced frappé or cafe au lait.

Ispitfire🔥: How tf do you know that?

JimminiePabo: I may or may not have just looked up you name
JimminiePabo: And found your Instagram

Ispitfire🔥: What?

Yoomin ~ Wrong Number {Yoonmin Texting/Fanfic}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora