Day 16 Pt.3

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"Want to begin by telling me what your doing here?"

Jimin fidgeted in his seat, the initial shock of being caught in his lie wearing off. He began to twirl his hair around his fingers, something Yoongi noticed Jimin often did when he was going to tell a bluff, or is evasive.
Jimin looked down to his lap, not keen on looking at Yoongi in that current moment.

"I came to see Yoongi obviously."

"But why did you lie to me about being sick? There was nothing you could gain."

"I-I was doing what I was told by t-the doctor. H-h told me at my health check-up that there was signs of stress from o-over exhersion of the body, s-so I should take some time of w-work"

"Now Jimin, are you continuing to lie? It would have been a good lie if one, you could control your stuttering, and two, that if it really was the truth, you wouldn't have claimed to have a 'stomach ache' or 'flu bug' to Hoseok, you would have outwardly told that the doctor said take a break."

"I d-didn't want Hoseok to think it was h-his fault. He would think it was because he requested me to stay extra hour to help him."

"Ok, lets say I believe you, then why did you lie to me?"



"U-uh, I-, it was... Ok, ok, fine. I confess." Jimin held his hands in the air in mock surrender. "So stop giving me that scrutinizing look, like your preparing to eat me." Jimin wasnt looking at him, but he could almost feel Yoongi looking at him.

Unaware of his intense glare until Jimin mentioned it, Yoongi's facial features softened.

"I lied because I wanted to meet Yoongi. I wanted the day off so I could spend the whole day here, so I wouldn't miss him."

"I still don't get it. Why you lied to me. You could have just told me you were coming here."

Jimin sighed. He looked up at Yoongi. "You talk to him. Yoongi. So I thought to myself, what if you and Yoongi were on cohoots? You could tell him when I was going to come here, and I'd miss all of the opportunities to meet him."

"Ouch, you have so much trust in me." Yoongi held his hand on his heart, and hung his bottom lip out in a fake out. Jimin wasn't entirely wrong though. He planned to use there conversations and texts to find out when Jimin would be visiting the food joint, and plan what times he'd be visiting there. He didn't want to 'coincidently' bump into Jimin every time he went there, otherwise he'd get suspicious of why he's always there and Yoongi's never.

He had it all planned out, but Jimin had to go an ruin it.

"Well I'm going to go order then, but when I get back, I expect a certain someone out of my seat." He turned around and made his way to the counter to order his food. He looked at the cashier, and gave him a smile. In return, he recieved a wide smile back. It was Jin.

"I waited long enough for your ass to get here."

"Yeah, well I have a life I have to manage, mabye you should get one to."

"As salty as ever I see?" Jin turned the menue on the table toward Yoongi, so he could pick a food. "For your information I do have a life. But unfortunately, it's taken up because I'm to buissy babying you."

"Nobody asked you to."

"Your right, but I can't trust you to take care of yourself. Who else would make sure you eat properly?"

"It was one time, Jin. One time."

"One time to many. How would you feel if you saw your friend passed out from malnutrition?"

Yoongi sighed, and pointed at an item on the menue, obviously being meat.

"Steak, well done, and a bottle of sprite."

"A plain guy, and a plain drink." Jin went to the mini refrigerator at the back, and grabbed out a can. He placed it on the counter, and held out his hand for the money. "5000 won please."

"Do you always insult your costumers?"

"No, your just an exception."

Yoongi grabbed out the money, and slide it onto the counter top instead of Jin's hand. "You know, the real reason why you probably force me to be here is because you make a little bit of extra money every time I do."

"I only make you pay do the costumers don't get the impression I give food for free. And I let you pay only half the price anyway." He put the money into the cash machine. "You should be more grateful."

Yoongi sat down at the chair facing the countertop, until Jin came back with his order. "Enjoy, you majesty." Jin's said sarcastically, before returning to the kitchen. Yoongi looked at the plate, cringing at the vegtables Jin added. Why doesn't he ever just give me what I ask for?

Order in hand, Yoongi went back to his now empty seat. Jimin sitting in the one adjacent, starring at the door. "When will he get here?"

"How do you know he hasn't already been here? You haven't seen him before to know."

"I've been waiting here all day to see him, so I doubt I'd have missed him."
Well, he's not going to be showing up today, is he? Yoongi did feel bad that the younger would never get the chance to see 'Yoongi', because they was the same person. "And besides, I'd be able to spot that pale skin anywhere. I've never seen anything like it, with the exception of you of course."

Jimin reached out and pinched Yoongi's cheek, feeling the smooth texture of the in his finger tips. Yoongi's cheek turned red slightly. It's just cause he's pinching my skin, that's all. Yeah, that's it.

Jimin's hand trailed upwards to his hair which he lightly tugged, while his other hand rested on his shoulder. "Your pretty handsome you know if you lost the attitude a bit." His thumb on his other hand went to Yoongi's shoulder, his thumb pressing into the bit between his shoulder and neck, giving a small massage. "Relax, it's just me. You look pretty tense."

Yoongi pressed into Jimin's thumb for more pressure. "Damn that feels good." Automatically after the words left his mouth, Yoongi slapped his hands over his mouth, eyes wide.

Jimin errupted into a smile, happy of Yoongi's compliment. He enjoys impressing his hyungs, and was even more happy to receive it from him. Jimin leans forward on his chair, placing his lips on the tip of Yoongi's nose, like a little kitten.

Yoongi pushed Jimin back slightly, his hair messed up a little due to Jimin's hands. He looked down towards the floor, clearly embarrassed.

"Were in public you know, and I don't do PDA. And don't you like Yoongi?"

"That was just... Seduction. I didn't get the chance to do it earlier, since I wasn't there."

"That's not really seducing is it? It's more of a thing lovers would do."

"Yeah well," Jimin turned Yoongi's head toward him, his round eyes engulfing Yoongi's smaller ones. "Try acting a little less cute." Jimin turned back and picked up his sandwich, picking away at the crust with his finger, while Yoongi just stared in his direction, adoring the perfection beside him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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