Bonus (A bit of VKook)

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1518 words Unedited

A/N ~ Sorry about the late update. I was editing the previous chapters (And being a lazy ass), this chapter doesn't have Yoongi in so don't read if you don't want to.

Jimin was beyond excited to text the contact Yoongi had just given him. At first, Jimin was excited that he got to talk to such a handsome man, but now he was more interested in getting more details on Yoongi. Jimin thought it was the perfect opportunity. The more Jimin texted Yoongi the realised that he new nothing about the boy on the other end of the texts, and wanted to get to know him better.

He had tried to subtly get information out of him, but he found out nothing.

Jimin switched on his phone, and waited for it to power on. Jimin had turned of his phone because it was low on power, with only a mere 19% remaining. He would have charged it, but his friend, Taehyung, had borrowed his charger, since Taehyung had left his at home, and had been sleeping over at Jimin's.

Taehyung sneakily charged his phone at his workplace, an electronic department store, so he didn't have to pay a higher electricity bill. Taehyung payed enough to fix the problems in his rundown apparent, like the leaky ceiling, and broken cold water tap and couldn't afford to pay no more.

Taehyung even borrowed money from Jimin, insisting he'd make it up to him, but Jimin couldn't care less if he got the money back. Taehyung was always there when he needed him, and that was enough for him.

The only problem Jimin had was now he had no way to charge his phone for the rest of the day. Just screen flashed, indicating he got a text. Speak of the devil.

Jimin's phone

TaeTae👽: Jimin send help asap

PJMsGotJams: Why?

TaeTae👽: Well remember that guy I always tell u about?

PJMsGotJams: How can I forget when you always ramble on and on about him

TaeTae👽: Hey :/

PJMsGotJams: Carry on

TaeTae👽: Well he's back
TaeTae👽: And looks sexy af

PJMsGotJams: That doesn't answer my question

TaeTae👽: Because my my heart is beating at 100mph

PJMsGotJams: Exaggeration much

TaeTae👽: No you don't understand
TaeTae👽: 10/10 would bang
TaeTae👽: I don't need the sun when I got him looking so hot

Yoomin ~ Wrong Number {Yoonmin Texting/Fanfic}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora