sTrAdDlE mE lIkE A hOrSe bAy bEE oOoOo~

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                                                                           ( Noones POV )

You and Pallete both hold hands as you walk into the mall, looking at all the shops that had just opened up. "Come on, lets explore!" Pallete says, full of excitement as he drags you along the different stores, seeing of something caught his interest which was easier than it souns. This boy will pass out just by seeing a garbage can for fucks sake. 

"Oooooh! A perfume shop! Let's go test some out!" Pallete says as you both walk into the store, getting blasted with a wave of different perfumes. "Ah, welcome! What can I do for you two?" You hear a voice say and you turn to it, seeing a robot smiling at the two of you. 

"Are you two interested in buying anything? Or perhaps to test a few perfumes?" Pallete gasps and says "hOW diD yOU KnoW?!" The robot just giggles and says "Its quite common. Now, would you like to try this new perfume? It makes you smell like strawberries and cotton candy!" Pallete  gave an excited as he walks towards the lady, dragging you along with him. She presses the top of the bottle and sprays the perfume on you two.

"Wow! It does smell like cotton candy and strawberries!" Pallete says, taking a deep whiff. "Mhmm! Now here's another one! Grape and flowers!" Pallete jumps excitedly and says "Yes! Oh yes!" The robot giggles and she sprays the two of you with the perfume, it being combined with the previous one. 

You two tried perfumes for a while, ranging from Oranges and Pineapples, Butterscotch and Cinnamon, Chocolate and Vanilla, Honey and Marshmellows, Mint and Lavender, and much more! You two decided to buy two perfumes and you decided on [Y/C, Your choice. Tell me in the comments which two you chose! Or maybe even make one up yourself! ]

You two walked out of the store, Pallete carrying the bag as you both looked around for something else to do. "After we shop a bit, how about we get a bite to eat, eh?" Pallete suggests, to which you silently nod at. Pallete smiles at you and he gives you a quick hug before he squeals as he spots a clothing store with cute outfits. He drags you into the store as you two looked around.

There were many colors to be seen and many styles as well, lots of them taking yours and Pallete's interests. You and Pallete looked at the price tags of some of the thinsg you liked, and when it didn't cost like more that 90 fucking dollars, you two decided to get it. Finally, after having your arms full of clothes, you went to one of the registers, thankfully it not being crowded at the moment. 

You two got your items priced, removing a few clothes at the process. "That'll be 255 dollars please." The person at the register said as they bagged your items. You took out your wallete and Pallete did the same before you two paused and looked at eachother. "I'm paying." Pallete says as he gives you a playful glare. "I do not mind paying." You say, your face staying the same as usual. "I insist." Pallete says "I insist second." You say. You two pause again before you both quickly take out your money, trying to hand it to the person at the register. You two push and shove like little children as you try to pay for the clothes. The person behind the register just smirks as they take a video of the two of you bickering back and forth.

"I'm paying, you can't stop me!" Pallete says, trying to shove your hand away "I am quite sure I can." You say as you pounce on him, Pallete letting out a terrified shriek. You straddle Pallete as you pin his hands above his head with one hand and the other, which is holding the money, you give it to the register person. They take your money and hand you the change as you mumble a small "Thank you." You let go of Palletes hands as you put the change in your wallet, putting it back in your jacket pocket. 

"You just have to try harder next time." You say, looking down at him with your usual stare You notice Pallete was suddenly quiet and you tilt your head a little until you notice the position. Your face flashes to one of shock and you quickly get off of him, turning your face away from him. "I..I apologize..I..I didn't mean for to l..look that w..way.." You say, your voice shaking a bit. Pallete just lets out a flustered wheeze as he gets the perfume bag that he dropped, and some of the clothing bags, you taking the rest. Pallete takes your hand as you both quickly walk out of the store, not looking at eachother for now.

You two browse a few more shops, eventually making eye contact with eachother. Well, Pallete making eye contact with you seeing as you were just staring at him most of the time. A bad habit you can say. "Let's go and get something to eat. I'm getting hungieee!" Pallete says as you both make your way to the upper level where the food court is located. You start to hear chatter as you two walk closer to the food court. You see many people at tables, eating, talking, and laughing with their friends and significant others. You quickly pull out a candy from your pocket to distract yourself. "Okey dokey, what to eat what to eat.." Pallete says as he looks at all the mini restaurants, trying to choose for which he wanted. You looked around too since all of that walking and shopping was quite tiring. 

"OOH! THEY HAVE TACOBELL! YAAAAAAAY!" Pallete says as the starts in his eyes get bigger than they already where. "I'm going to go and get my precious tacos, we will meet up at that table right here!" He says as he points to a table that was about 7 feet away from the two of you. Pallete hands you the bags and you say "Alright. I shall see you in a bit.." You say, giving Pallete a wave as he fucking SoNiC RunS To TAcObELL. You gather up the bags and put them near the table. Now, it was your turn to decide.

                                                                        What do YOU want?

( Psst, comment down below for what you want! It can even be Tacobell if you like! )

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