Ehuhhehhuhe ( A/N )

326 11 14

Okay so I made this chapter to apologize for the sudden change in personality for the character Serif. I read the first chapter and the others following it and noticed they were supposed to be dead inside, not smiling and shit like that. So uhh, sorry for the sudden change. 

But that leads to my question(s)

Should I edit the chapters and actually made them dead inside so I can continue with the original ideas? Cause I wanted shit to get real with that personality and there be a story behind their past.


Should I edit the first few chapters and make them for how they are in the more recent chapters? Like, make them not so dead inside?


Should I leave it as it is and I somehow explain for their sudden change I guess? Idk my writing isn't all too great soooo sorry if you're expecting some shit like

'Butthole mcgee scoffs as they wipe the crimson red blood from their mouth, leaving a red stain at their bottom lip. They shake their head as they wipe their hand on their black dress pants, only smearing their blood. " want to take this a step further, eh?" They say in a low cold tone, their previous frown turning into a grin as they lower their head, their void black fedora covering the top of their face, making a menacing shadow. Their opponent, Spitdrinker, felt a shiver crawl down their spine from the sudden coldness in their voice. "I'll take as many steps as it takes just to get my daughter back!" Spitdrinker yells at Butthole mcgee as they glare at the mysterious person, for who they claimed took their daughter. Spitdrinker knew it had to be Butthole mcgee seeing as they have been enemies for years, and Butthole mcgee had kept trying to get Spitdrinker's daughter, Peepee hole's love. She always denied seeing as he just wanted to take her virginity and leave her with a baby to take care of. She wasn't stupid now..

But her parent was dumb enough to get lost in thought, their guard being let down.

"Heh..wrong choice.." They hear Butthole mcgee say and before they could react, they were slammed onto the hard concrete below them as Butthole mcgee slowly walks to their fallen body, their hand hovering over their black dress pant pocket. They swifty pulled out a Python, clicking it into position as they aim it at Spitdrinkers head, their finger just grazing over the trigger.

This isn't going to be good..'

Rip me who doesn't know what the fuck they just wrote.

Anyways, please please please vote for which I should do! I am unsure as fuck and I am slowly being swallowed into the pit of 'Don't do anything lmao'



P..pwease m..mistew pwesident /)#uwu#(\

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