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( please someone tell me they got the reference plEASE P L E  A S   E  andalsoenjoysomethingimadeforCQ'sbirthdaylastyear)

( Holy shit, me updating twice? So soon? iTS morE lIkElY thAN YOu tHINK! Also, sorry if I don't update my other books. I just don't have much motivation and ideas are running low fast so like, updates are going to be quite slow. That and I have to make frames for an animation meme and I have a few commissions I have to get to. )

( No one POV )

Pallete places you down onto the front steps of his house and he knocks on the door, waiting for someone to be home. While he waits, you try to regain your balance because he ran the whole damn way. Guess he was excited for movie night. As the door opens, you regain your balance and you look to see who answered.

Standing there was the one and only astrology teacher, Mister Dream. He smiles at Pallete then looks over at you and says "Well hello there! Who might you be?" Dream asks and you reply "My name is Serif. The substitute art teacher, nurse assistant, and club co-assistant. It is a pleasure meeting you." Dream nods then he says "Oh, I've heard about you! Inky has told me all about you! And I've heard that you're quite the trouble maker aren't ya?" You nod and and say "The urge to cause mayhem to others is in my bones afterall." Dream lets out a small nervous chuckle for how you worded that out. His imaginaton was running wild and he was imagining you sitting upon a throne made or corpses as people bowed down to you, scared to even compete against someone like you. goD dAyUM dReAM A R E y o u o K A Y?! "I'm going to set up the movie. I'll wait for you!" Pallete says and he gives you a small wave as he heads into the house to set up the movie. You give him a small wave back and turn back to Dream.

"You two seem like good friends. I think its nice to see my son getting along with someone." Dream says, his smile growing. "He was very determined to be my friend. How could I say no?" You respond and Dream giggles. "Hehe, that's my son for you. Anyways, I shouldn't interrupt. You two have fun!" Dream says, stepping away from the door. "It was nice talking to you, Mister Dream. I'm looking forward to future conversations or even friendship." You say as you head inside, Dream being right after you. "My that sounds excellent! Now go and hang out with your current friend! Pallete should be up in his room. The door should be very obvious." You nod and give him a wave and head up the stairs to go and see the movie with Pallete. You dodge Ink on the way and give him a wave as you went into what you guesses was Pallete's room. After all, it had many stars and pompom stickers on the door. Ink gives you a wave back and he goes down the stairs to Dream. 

Dream smiles at Ink and Ink says "Friends with a teacher huh?" Dream nods and helps Ink to the couch. "Mhmm. I have a feeling they will be more than friends." Ink giggles and nuzzles his husband. "As long as Pallete is happy, I'm sure we would be happy too~" Dream nods and gives Ink a kiss on his cheek, making him smile. ( Rip Errink shippers )

Meanwhile with you and Pallete, it ends up he had set up one of your favorite movies. Spirited away. ( *gRIpS mY heARt* shEiT sOn My cHiLdhoOD ) Pallete hands you a yellow blanket, him having a green one on. You quietly thank him and accept the blanket, wrapping it around yourself as your attention goes to the movie. Pallete scoots a bit closer to you and rests his skull on your shoulder. You jump at the sudden contact but relax quickly. 

( Time skip caused by I sHIp iT AHSJSAHASSKAH )

As the credits rolled in, Pallete was a sobbing mess, his cheeks being stained with his yellow and green tears. Switching to you, your face was bone dry ( *sLaPS mY kNeE* )compared to Pallete's You comforted him by pulling him into a hug, trying your best to say comforting words from memory. Pallete quickly wraps his arms around you and sobs into your chest, mumbling some things you couldn't quite get, only a few words. "I..It was- happyyyyy! A..and heR pArenTS! A..ANd hAkUUUUUU!" You hear him say as he cries harder, clutching onto your shirt. You pat his skull and say "I know Pallie, but you have to remember that the two of them are happy now." You say, mumbling something under your breath. Pallete nods as he continues to cry, not even noticing the little nickname you gave him.

You give Pallete a small peck on his forehead and he lets out a small gasp, a dark blush covering his cheeks. He snuggles into you further as you place a few more kisses on top of his skull, making him extremely flustered. "Hey Palette," You say, getting his attention. He looks up at you with tear stained cheek bones and you say "Want to watch Ponyo?" Palette nods and releases his grip on you, you doing the same. "S..sure! D..does it have a h..happy ending..?" You say and you nod "Indeed. I'm sure you'll love it." Palette smiles at this and he says "O..Okay! Let me get it set up!" You nod and Palette goes over to his tv, searching through his DVD's until he got one that was titled 'Ponyo.' 

He took out Spirited away and placed it with the others and he slides in ( oHHHHH- jk jk not yet ;) ) Ponyo and quickly makes his way back over to you. Palette sits on your lap as you wrap your blanket around the two of you and place your skull on Palettes as Ponyo starts, the oh so familiar Totoro appearing on a blue background.


Ink and Dream giggle as they look at the video of the two of you having your small moment. "I totally ship it! My baby's growing up so fast!" Ink squeals quietly as Dream nods, the two of them getting to the moment when you gave him a kisses on the top of his skull. They both squeal at this as they both chant quietly "I ship it! I ship it! I ship it! EEEEEEEEEEE!"

They watched that video for 3 hours, always squealing when they got the little kiss part. "Should we go check on them now?" Dream asks, a grin quickly spreading. Ink nods and grins back as they tip toe out of their room and into Pallete's. Dream turns the knob to the door and opens it slowly having to stop himself from screaming. Ink peeks into the room and slaps a hand over his mouth as both of his eyelights turn to stars.

There you were, lying down on Pallete's bed with him snuggling into your ecto breasts- ( thAT WERE COVERED BY YOUR SHIRT AND BRA, CHILL, NOT YET DUDES! ) a big smile clearly on his face. You lazily had your arms wrapped around Palettes body, your eyesockets closed as you snoozed away a look of peace on your usual stone cold face. Dream got his phone out and turned off the flash, snapping so many pictures of the two of you.

"Oh oh! Send it to me send it to me!" Ink says, his grin growing as Dream nods and says "Of course! This is way too cute to not send it to you!"

Dream quickly send all the photos to Ink's phone as the two of them giggle like school girls, seeing the photos of the two of you cuddling.

You two never suspected a thing.

( Phew! Finally done editing these chapters! Thank you for those two wonderful people who voted! CartoonCrushCentral and CyberHusky Thank you two so much! Hope you enjoyed the now edited chapters! Stay tuned for more! uwu )

Can I get an I L O V E Y O U? NAJ Palette x Skeleton Reader | DiscontinuedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora