NootMare Cause I'm Original

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( Forgive me if I missed anything because I barely fuckin remember the backstory or anything about this story dhjkfhfdkfd- )

( No ones POV )

You let out a small groan as you opened your eyesockets, only to be met with pitch black darkness. You could barely even tell that they were open, and the only way you could know was by looking down at yourself and seeing your boney hands. But, what concerned you more than the dark was that you felt..unsafe. You felt like eyes were on you, and you knew you couldn't shake off the feeling. But, no matter how much you looked around, you saw no body, and it only scared you more.

But soon enough as you turned your head once again, you spotted someone and your heart dropped at the sight of them. It was one of your younger siblings, staring you straight in the eyesockets with a saddened expression on their face, and gosh did it break your heart more than it already was. You whispered out the name of your little sibling, taking a step closer to them as an emotion was finally shown on your face,


You dropped to your knees in front of your little sibling, putting your hands onto their shoulders. "I'm so sorry...I'm so so sorry.." You whispered to them as tears start to prick at the corners of your eyesockets, and you started to get quite shaky, like a leaf in the autumn wind. Your little sibling still didn't say a thing, still staring you in the eyes with a deep frown on their face before finally saying to you "This is all your fault.. you just had to fire the gun didn't you, big sis..?" You closed your eyes tightly as the scene replayed in your head, shaking your head as you tried to get rid of those awful thoughts. You didn't want to see that same fucking scene again, but oh it was too late. It kept replaying in your head like a broken record player, and it made a fear tears slip out from your eyesockets and roll down your cheeks. You couldn't even say anything, and you didn't even dare to speak. You knew you'd start sobbing, and you didn't want to. You buried your emotions already, you didn't want them to come back up. But it was much too late for that.

As you opened your eyes again to look at your younger sibling, you wished you didn't. You already saw the bullet wound right there on their forehead, already spilling blood like a rushing waterfall. Before you could even do anything, the light from their eyelights had started to fade, until their whole body had went limp, yet the blood continued to rush out from them. From how much it was, it had started to fill for where ever you were quickly, as if you were in some sort of fish tank. You started to cry harder as you held your siblings tiny body close to yours, screaming out their name as if doing so would bring their sister back. 

But, you weren't the only one screaming someone's name. You soon heard your own name, and it made you confused until you started to feel someone shake you as if you were some kind of broken vending machine, and say your name even louder.
And that's what made you suddenly open your eyesockets, and was confused when you suddenly saw Palette in front of you, shaking you like crazy with a few teachers just right behind him. Your eyesight seemed a bit clearer suddenly, and it got you wondering if it was the tears or some shit. But, as you saw Palette's face, even he looked surprised for a moment before it was quickly shaken off, and instead replaced with worry and concern.

"Miss Serif, are you okay?! You were crying and screaming and stuff! Did something happen?!" Palette basically screamed at you, and you only stayed silent as you stayed at him, the Nightmare replaying in your head god knows how many times. But, trying to shake it out of your head to no success, you simply said in your usual monotone voice, though it now had a bit of shakiness to it "I'm...fine. Thank you for your concern..but I should be quite fine." Palette obviously frowned as you said this, not looking like he believed you a single bit. But, he guessed that you didn't want to talk about it, so, he let out a sigh and let you go from his tight grip and backed away a bit to give you some space. 

You wiped away any remaining tears, though a few were still building up. You couldn't help but feel quite uncomfortable though, since there were so many people in the room, just pitying you despite them not knowing what had happened. You hated it. You didn't need their damn pity. You didn't need them to care. You didn't like this at all, especially since you were apparently crying and screaming, and you didn't want them to see you like that. Never. So, as you removed your hands from your face, you quickly said in your usual voice "Pardon me." before shoving past the teachers quickly, and heading to one of the nearest bathrooms so you can clean yourself up a bit. But, what made you a bit irritated was that even quite a lot of students were just outside the classroom, having faces that screamed pity, worry, surprise, and confusion. You let out a huff as you quickly shove past them too, trying to hide your tear stained face from their view. 

Soon though, you had reached the bathroom without any other trouble, and you let out a sigh of relief. You looked around before coincidentally finding the keys to the bathroom, resting on top of a tissue dispenser. You made sure no one else was in the bathroom before locking yourself in, and placing the keys back in your pocket as you looked down at the ground. You finally had some alone time, to sort out your closed up emotions in peace thankfully. But, no distractions to get your mind off the nightmare, and the scene that happened so long ago. You couldn't get your little siblings face out of your head, and god you just wish you could. You couldn't get anyone else's faces out of your head either, and that's just the moldy cherry on top of the spoiled icecream. 

You let out a groan before taking your hands away from your head, and stopped your pacing. You opened your eyes only to be looking into one of the bathroom mirrors, your brows furrowed and a deep frown on your face. You could clearly see the usual deep bags under your eyes, and now the tear stains. Even around your eyesockets looked a bit irritated and slightly red, your cheeks flushed from your crying. You could only let out a small scoff at the sight of yourself, looking away from your reflection before slumping down on the bathroom floor, closing your eyesockets once again so you can gather your thoughts, and try to calm yourself down. You were obviously not ready for your emotions to kick you in the face, but yet here you were. You let out a sigh before whispering to yourself

"...I'm a fucking mess.."

( Hey ya'll! I'm so sorry to abandon this story for so long, as well as quite a few others! It's just that I've lost like heaps of motivation to continue them, and have like no ideas for how to write a single chapter and make it even good. Even this one doesn't seem that good to me, but I do hope you all enjoy! I have gotten a few comments to continue this story, so, I am! Hopefully, the others too!

You all probably noticed that I have had an interest in another fandom as well, or been busy with other things. But, I hope you understand! And don't worry ya'll, I ain't leaving the Undertale fandom! I'm here to stay hopefully!

But anyways, enough ranting, I hope you all enjoyed! Stay tuned, and have a great day!

~Gelo )

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