bOp iT, uHh tWIsT iT EhHH, pUlL iT oOh~

410 18 20

( Okayyyy so for like, last chapter, I got some pretty nice votes! Its a tie between Chipotle and Panda Express and there are a few other restaurants but rip. It was Subway and Panera *eYEs mY bOI Flamboyant_Saucers Sadly tho, no one else wanted that, bUt iN A fUTUrE cHaPTER i wILL pUt onE oF eM hOpEFuLlY! Anyways, here's the chapter! Since the vote for Chipotle and Panda Express is tied, so there won't be yOU aTE yOuR bUrrIto or YoU aTE yOUR cHInEsE fOoD cause yEaAaAahHhH )

( No Ones POv )

You look around the food court, seeing if you could spot one of your favorite restaurants. You narrowed your eyesockets as you tried to spot the place, wanting to fill up your ecto belly ASAP. Once you spot it, you lighten up a bit as you mumble to yourself "Just what I was looking for." You start to walk to the place, getting weird looks from people when they saw your cold face and empty eyesockets. Shortly after, you have arrived at your destination and you look up at the sign, taking a double check that you were there. You look at the short line of people and mentally let out a sigh of relief. You got in line and waited patiently for your turn, trying to ignore the stares and laughter from people. You stuff another candy in your mouth and distract yourself   one again.

( Time skip caused by WeIGHt liFTiNG bABY AwFhjMBHm )

Finally, it was your turn. "Hello there! What can I get for you?" An employee says as they give you a smile, you trying your best to give one back. It didn't turn out too well but the employee couldn't help but mumble a "Same man, same." "Hello there. Can I get a(n) ( Y/O Your Order ) please? And a ( D/O/C Drink of choice. )" You say and the employee nods and says "It will be just a moment!" They go to the kinda back to the employee who cooks and says "sHAy! WE GOT A NUMBER 9 SUCKA!" 'Shay' responds "ALRIGHT CHRISSY GIMME A MC FUCKING SECOND!" "HURRY YO ASS UP BITCH!" The employee turns to you and smiles once more. ( I totally didn't add me an my Tumblr best friend what are you talking about? P.S iM sHAy  AGGiBhkNHhkbBhbHk )

After a bit of waiting, you hear this 'Shay' say "AYO FAMACARONIO THE ORDERS FINISHED! GET YO ASS OVER HERE!" "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO, C A N N I B A L!" "FUCK YOUUUUUUU!" Chrissy gets the order and hands it to you saying, "Have a nice day!" "Thank you very much. I hope you have one as well." You say, taking the bag. You walk to your table, seeing Pallete already there practically choking on one of his tacos. Damn bitch

You sit down on one of the seats and say "Hello again, Pallete. Anything new going on?" Pallete nods and says, going on a mini ramble "You bet! There were these awesome yet loud employees who were arguing? kind of? I dunno but their names were Chrissy and Shay. Cute names to be honest!" You tilt your head then say "Chrissy and Shay? How weird, I has the same employees too and by how you described them, they have the same actions." Pallete lets out a gasp and says "You're joking!" You just give him your blank look and he says "yOu'rE nOt jOkInG!" He fans himself as he dramatically places his bony wrist against his face, letting out a dramatic gasp. You would of laughed..if you could have anyways. Pallete takes notice of your silence and he was secretly hoping you would atleast giggle or let out a snicker. He was hoping for the impossible..

Or so he thinks...

( Time skip by fUcK yOuR cHIcKeN sTRiPS )

You both let out a sigh as you finished eating, your ecto bellies filled with your desired food and drink. "Want to head to my place and watch a movie?" Palette asks as he looks over at you. You look over at him and say "That doesn't sound bad at all. When shall we go?" Palette grins then says "rIGhT nOW!" He picks you up bridal style, not giving a shit about your height differences and he sprints to the escalator, leaving you shocked from the sudden difference. You hang onto him for dear life as he laughs like a madman, jumping down the sEvErAL sTEpS oF tHe EsCAlAtOR

bITcH wH A t tH E F U c K ? ,


this only made your SOUL start to beat softly as it starts to grow and gain some of its color..

  (somehow, ya'll like this crazy bean but ey, I like a tall asshole that calls everyone a bitch. )~ 💞

What? You thought it was going to have this sweet ending? yOU tHoUgHt WrOnG b I t  C H-

To be continued 


Can I get an I L O V E Y O U? NAJ Palette x Skeleton Reader | DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now