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AN: ok so the timeline of this story doesn't really go along with the timeline of real life and when albums and stuff came out but its a story so were just gonna pretend it does. Ok cool.

Sometimes I think of what I would do if I got to look in his eyes again. I wish I could tell him how much I loved him but I know if he were here I would break down in tears. This was all my fault. Everyday I wish I could go back to the way it was before. I wish we could go back to the late nights where we would stay up watching movies together while eating our weight in popcorn. Ever since I was little I had trouble sleeping so I would force him to stay up with me but in return I had to watch whatever movie he picked. We would laugh till around 2 am when he fell asleep. Then I would follow an hour or two later.

I also missed the face he would make when he read the lyrics I wrote for the band. I could always tell whether or not Patrick liked what I wrote from the minute he read the first line. To this day I write a lot of lyrics but I guess it's kind of pointless without him here.

I miss the way he would sing and tap the steering wheel when we were in the car. I loved listening to his voice. For someone as shy as he was, when he was singing, it was like nothing else mattered. He seemed so at peace. I guess I just wish I could feel right now the way I felt when Patrick sang.

I just hate the fact that he is not here. On the days I leave the house, weather it is to buy food or on my walk to the therapy, I feel as though he is there. I see his face in the strangers that walk by. When I walk by the crowded park I always feel like I can hear his voice. Just a painful reminder that he isn't here. And today was no different.

This morning when making breakfast I realized that all I basically had left in my fridge was a bottle of ketchup and an apple so I knew that it was about time that I headed out to get some groceries. Then on the way home I stopped at Starbucks to get some coffee and a bagel. The whole time I was out everywhere I looked was something that reminded me of Patrick. The feeling overwhelmed me to the point where I felt like I couldn't breath. I rushed the rest of the way home. When I made it inside and shut the door behind me and leaned back against it. I let out the breath that I didn't even realize I was holding in.

"Thank god" I mumbled to myself.

"Oh hey you're finally home." a voice said from the other side of the room. I had a mini heart attack until I looked up to see brendon with a half eaten apple in his hand. The other half was in his mouth as he spoke. "I've been here for like an hour now."

"Well maybe you should have called." I said in a rather harsh voice but I was in a bad mood today.

"You see I would have but you don't ever answer your phone. I would bet good money that it's not even on right now."

"It is." I said as I reached into my pocket to grab it. "You see-" he was right. It was off. "Never mind" I reply. I Picked the bags off the ground and brought them into the kitchen to start putting everything away. Brendon followed.

"I think we should do something today."

"I disagree"

"Wow crabby much? Anyway, you need to get out of this house. It's been far too long since you got out"

"I was out this morning."I replied and he just rolled his eyes.

"No I mean like when is the last time you went out to do something fun?" he paused for an answer as he took a seat on the counter. "see , far to long"

"You do know counters aren't for sitting on right?"

"Well too late. Now hurry up cause we're going out for lunch."

"I'm not going out." well that was a lie because within five minutes I found myself in Brendon's car on the way to his favorite diner. We were sat in a small booth in the corner by the hostess, right next to the window. I sat in silence as Brendon mindlessly babbled like he usually does. then the waitress came by and took our orders. I ordered a grilled cheese while Brendon ordered some chicken fingers.

"I have to show you something" he said pulling out his phone and some headphones. "Put them in your ears." I did as I was told and then music started playing. It started put smooth then a beat came in which changed the whole tone. I started tapping my feet. I was already hooked. Then I heard Brendon's voice.

I've never so adored you

I'm twisting allegories now

I want to complicate you

Don't let me do this to myself

I'm chasing roller coasters

I've got to have you closer now

Endless romantic stories

You never could control me

Well I never really thought that you'd come tonight

While the crown hangs heavy on either side

Give me one last kiss while we're far too young to die (we're far too young to die).

Far too young to die

Fixation or psychosis?

Devoted to neurosis now

Endless romantic stories

You never could control me

Well I never really thought that you'd come tonight

While the crown hangs heavy on either side

Give me one last kiss while we're far too young to die.

Well I never really thought that you'd come tonight

While the crown hangs heavy on either side

Give me one last kiss while we're far too young to die (far too young to die).

Far too young to die

Well I never really thought that you'd come tonight

While the crown hangs heavy on either side

Give me one last kiss while we're far too young to die.

We're far too young to die

Then the music cut out and the sounds of the diner filled my ears again.

"So what do ya think." Brendon asked as he put his phone away.

"That was amazing B! The beat, your voice, oh my god the lyrics. It's so good"

"I'm glad you liked it."

"Liked it. I loved it. When Do I get to here more?"

"Well the rest of the album is on my computer but maybe I can bring it over tomorrow and show you?"

"Yeah totally" at that point our food came out and we started stuffing our faces. About an hour or so later. I was being dropped off at home with a to-go container in my hand. Walking back in my quiet sad house. I just sat on the couch. And stared at the black TV. What now?

AN: chapter 2!! I hoped you liked it.

QOTD: Favorite song off of Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die!? Think it's obvious that mine is Far too young to die.

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