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That night I didn't sleep. I just stared at Patrick as his chest rose and fell. Him reading that lyric was the worst thing that could happen. I wasn't ready to tell him just yet. Thoughts were racing through my mind only to be interrupted by my phone ringing in my back pocket. I wiggled in a ways so Patrick wouldn't wake up. When I finally got the phone out the screen illuminated with a text from Brendon

B:hey pete hows patrick doing??

P: he's fine, asleep right now but he met Joe and Andy today and everything went well so I guess that's good

B: good? That's awesome! Whats up wit ya?

He could tell over text that something had me freaked out. I guess he just knows me too well.

P: well he asked me about lyrics so I showed him my box and he found one that I wrote the night you found me...

B: oh

P: and then he asked me about the night that he went missing and why we fought. He's starting to remember a lot. And I told him why I was upset. I guess I'm just scared to do anything. I don't want him to know yet

B: well your going to have to tell him some day soon

P: I know but not yet. He's not ready for all of that

B: You just can't chicken out this time

P: I know

B: now you should be asleep..

I looked at the clock to see that it was 2am. And he was right. So I turned off my phone and tried to lay down. Patrick was such a heavy sleeper that moving around was not a problem. Once I got comfy he buried his head in my chest and I wrapped my arms around him. Soon after I drifted to sleep.

It's funny how sleep works. I feels like your sleeping for a few seconds but in reality its hours. When I was woke by shaking The sun has already made its way in through the windows and the clock read 8 am. I look down to see Patrick moving around in his sleep. He was mumbling something that I'm not one hundred percent sure were actual words . the only things I could make out were "Jonathan" and "no". Instantly I knew he was having a nightmare. I shook him and his eyes shot open as he screamed. I instantly pulled him into a hug.

"Shhh it was just a bad dream. He's not here to hurt you. Its ok. I got you" where all words I whispered in his ear while I felt his heart which was at first beating through his chest start so slow down. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." he replied as he backed away. "It was just a bad dream" then he started to giggle and I just looked at him confused. "I know I probably look crazy right now" he stated and I kinda had to agree with him "I let that man take what? 500 something days of my life? I want to get my old life back! It's crazy but ever since you told me that I was a musician all I've wanted to do was pick up a guitar. I don't even think I know how to play a guitar! And knowing myself performing sounds like something I would never do but for some reason I want to. Does this make any sense at all?" and that's when I started to laugh.

"No. but also kind of yes. But you know what Patrick? I think I have something to show you"

AN: ooooooo so suspenceful. once again I hope that you liked this chapter and I will try to be uploading again soon. 

QOTD: fav food? (IK its random) 

I love walking tacos. if ya don't know what that is look it up cause they amazing.


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