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The rest of the night Patrick was a mess. But who could blame him. He's basically being forced to go back to the place where he was torchered. He finally stopped having nightmares about that place and now this happens. After what felt like hours of him crying last night, he ended up falling asleep in my arms in my bed while I spent the whole night staring at the ceiling. He went through so much and I really didn't want him to have to think about any of it ever again. My deep thought was interrupted by string. Soon enough Patrick opened his eyes and looked up at me.

"Good Morning" he said with a raspy voice. I didn't realize just how much time had passed so I was surprised when I realized sunlight was coming through the window.

"Morning 'Trick" I replied as I kissed him on the top of his head.

"What time it it?"

"Around 10." he let out a sigh and started to get up. "You know we have plenty of time right?"

"Yeah. I was thinking, we should go to the diner and get some breakfast. We also have a long ride ahead of us so we should leave sooner. Only if you want to though." he just stared down at his feet and fiddled with his hands.

"I'll do anything you want. Anything to make this terrible thing your going through today better." he looked up from his shoes and walked over to me and gave me a kiss.

"This is why I love you. Now get dresses" he cracked a smile which kind of surprised me because he was so cheery knowing what he had to do today.

After a few minutes of procrastinating, I finally got out of bead and got dressed. I through on an old pair of jeans, a tee, and a hoodie on top. When I went downstairs Patrick was just sitting on the couch staring into space. He didn't look cheery like before. He looked the opposite really.

"Hey 'Trick you ready to go?" I asked and he snapped right out of it and a smile was back on his face.

"Yup! Lets get some food cause I'm starving."

The whole ride to the diner Patrick just hummed along to the tune of whatever song was playing on the radio. We didn't really talk but I just couldn't get over the way he was acting. It just through me off considering that last night he was crying in my arms at the thought of this and now that it's actually here it's like he doesn't care at all. It just wasn't adding up at all.

Finally when we made it to the restaurant we were seated at a little booth in the back. We both ordered some eggs with cheese and started mindlessly chatting.

"So do you think everyone is going to love the new music?" he asked.

"I don't know"

"I hope they do, I'm just excited"

"We still have so much left to do too. We have to figure out the track order, music videos, set up a tour with other artists, album cover, release dates, and so much more. Then press and all that crap."

"I can't wait" the waitress then came out with our food and we started to eat. Neither of us talked much until we finished and headed over to the car. The ride was just like the one before. He just hummed to the music in the passenger seat while I drove. He seemed fine which still scared me.

"The destination is on your left." the GPS said and his humming stopped and he grabbed my hand. He was no longer cherry. I parked the car and got out but he just stayed in his seat staring at the house. It was run down. The shutters looked like they were going to fall off and it was obvious the grass hasn't been cut in quite some time. It looked like a sudden gust of wind could knock the place down. I walked over to his side of the car and opened the door. He still just started at the house. This time I grabbed his hand. 

"You know its crazy that I was here for so long and I never saw the outside." tears started to roll down his face. "When I was bored, which was a lot, I would try to imagine what it looked like. I wasn't too far off."


"I can't do this" he looked petrified. "I can't go back in there."

"I'm never going to leave your side Patrick. After this you'll never even have to hear his name again. I kno-"

"No Pete. I'm sorry but you don't know." I never snapped at me like that before and it threw me off. "It was terrible. Worse than the movies, and stories, and news make it out to be. Every day I just wanted to get out. I didn't even know what it looked like outside for all that time. I was locked in that freaking basement forever and I just wanted to die. So I'm sorry for snapping on you, but you just don't know."

"Trick. Please get out of the car. I know I don't exactly know what you went through but I do know that I want it to be over with and I don't want you to ever have to even think about it ever again." He finally got out of the car and gave me a hug. I could feel his heart beating through his chest.

"I'm scared Pete."

"I know, but i'm never going to leave your side." He looked at me a nodded.

"Lets go inside."

AN: two chapters in one day??? crazy. I'm honestly thinking about just uploading the rest of the story rn. I mean there really is only two chapters left so maybe I will? Anyway... 

QOTD: fav underated album? 

I loved Paramore's After Laughter but I feel like no one really gave it a listen. thoughts? 


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