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I ordered pizza and I spent the rest of the night trying to fill him in on what he has missed. I had so many questions to ask but I knew he wasn't ready. So I answered his instead.

"So I was a singer?"

"Yeah you are in this band called Fall Out Boy. I'm in the bad too along with our friends Andy and Joe."

"Ok. How long have we known each other?"

"It's felt like forever. You were about 16 when we met."

"Oh." He was about to say something else when the doorbell rang. He freaked out and ran. I went to the door grabbed the pizza. When I came back Patrick was hiding behind the basement door.

"Pat what's wrong?"

"Can I come out now?"

"Pat why are you hiding?"

"Jonathan always made me hide when someone came over." He said as he came out. "He said that people shouldn't see me."

"I'm not Jonathan" I said as I pulled him into a hug. "He was a monster" we stood insilence for a few seconds before he talked again.

"Can I listen to some of our music?"

"Oh course." I said standing up. "Give me a minute." I ran over to the record player and put on Sugar.

"This is me?"

"Yeah" I saw him as he starts tapping his toes and humming. Almost like he knew it. Maybe somewhere deep down he did. I played the rest of the album as we ate pizza. when Patrick took his first bite his eyes opened really wide. 

"Oh my god this is amazing."

"I know. I could eat this every night. Actually, I kinda do" he laughed as he kept stuffing his face. When the album ended he stood up and threw his plate away and yawned.

"I think it's time I get some sleep." I nodded as a reply.

"Goodnight Pat"

"Goodnight Pete" he started walking out but then he stopped and turned back to face me. "And Pete?"


"Thank you for everything."

"Don't thank me Patrick" I replied. "Honestly you being here helps me."

Patrick gave me a confused look then turned back around to head to his room.

"Thank you anyway." He said as he ran up the stairs. I decided to just watch tv instead. I just wasn't tired. When I turned on Netflix the first thing to pop up was Stranger Things so I just pressed play for the millionth time.

I couldn't be happier. My best friend was finally back home. I just knowing that he was upstairs helped me feel a little less alone. It kills me to know the way he was treated but it's a better feeling knowing that that's all in the past. I sure ass hell am not going to let anything like this ever happen again.

After four or five episodes I decided that I needed I need to go to sleep. Pat decided that he wanted to meet Joe and Andy so I'm gonna invite them over. It could be a long day for all of us.

When walking down the hallway towards my room I passed Pat's room and hear sniffling. Curiously I walked closer to hear more of a light sob, so I knocked.

"Patrick?" No answer. "Patrick are you ok?" The sobs stopped suddenly like he was trying to be as quiet as possible.

"Patrick I know your awake." He still didn't answer so I decided to give up and started to walk away and give him space.

"You can come in" I heard faintly.

Once I opened his door he was sat on the floor next to his bed with his knees up to his chest and his head hung. As I sat down next to I could hear his sobs again. I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him into me. Patrick's tears started to wet my shirt.

"What's wrong?" He just kept sobbing. "You know you can tell me anything right?"

"It just sucks".

"What sucks?"

"I-I I lost so much time." He said then sat up straight. I still kept my arm around him. "So much of my life was waisted stuck in that house. For the longest at time I dreamed of getting out. I wanted to go back to my life. But now I don't remember how life was before Jonathan. I can remember small things. Some things seem familiar, like the song you showed me. But everything else is foreign to me. It just sucks."

"Well that's what I'm here for." I replied. "Your memories will come back. I'm going to help you. We can keep watching and listening things you love. Meeting people you used to know. Ask me questions Patrick! Your memories aren't gone forever." He just nodded and fell back into me. And continued to cry. Then I got an idea. "Let's go watch a movie."

"What movie?"

"One that you love" I replied and he gave me a confused look but nodded. We went downstairs to the living room. I began rummaging through the movie cabinet and Patrick sat on the couch wrapped in a blanket. Finally I found the CD and put it in.

"Can I see the box?" He asked and I handed it over. He took a second to look at it as I fast forwarded through the commercials. "Home alone? Is this a Christmas movie?"


"But it's not Christmas."

"That never stopped you from forcing me to watch it. " I replied "We did late movie nights a lot. I forced you to stay up with me and you picked the movie. And you would always pick this one. Even if I said 'it's a Christmas movie' you would reply with 'it's a classic'" he just laughed a little and the movie started.

I sat down next to him and watched the opening scenes. When we got to the scene where the parents leave him alone Patrick joked about how stupid it was to leave a whole person behind. I realized about halfway through that I wasn't even watching the movie. I was watching him. Studying his face. The way he laughed at the funny parts, they way he reacted to each line. That was more interesting than any movie to me, and eventually he realized it because he looked over to me. I looked away quickly but I could feel my face get red.

"You must be freezing." he said while scooching closer to me. At that point I started to feel myself shiver. He wrapped the blanket that was around him around both of us and put his head on my shoulder. "Better?"

"Much better" I replied. It wasn't long after that until Patrick fell asleep. I watched his chest rise and fall until the end of the movie. Eventually though, I had to go to the bathroom. I shimmied my way out from him, without waking him, and ran to the room. After I went I took a long look at myself in the mirror I was disheveled and a mess, but I honestly didn't care. I also had bags under my eyes so I knew that It was time for me to sleep. So I made my way back through the living room and towards the stairs when my eyes land on Patrick asleep on the couch. I shouldn't leave him there. I decide to pick him up and bring him stop his room. As I'm pulling him off the couch he stirs a little.

"Pete?" he mumbles half asleep.

"Shhh I'm bringing you to bed." he nods while in my grasps and wraps his arm around my neck as I carried him bridal style to his room. Once I placed him down I started to head over to the door to leave when he grabbed my wrist.

"Please stay" he said and I nodded and climbed in with him. He instantly pulled himself closer to me and buried his face in my chest. "Thank you Pete" was the last thing he said before he drifted back off to sleep.

AN: Hi people. just here to let you all know I am still going to try to post once or twice a week but my life is kinda crazy right now so I can't promise anything.

QOTD: Favorite TV show?? I just finished The Office after watching for soooooo long, but I think my favorite show is either Once Upon A Time or How I Met Your Mother.

oki byee


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