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-3 month jump-

So today's the day. The first music video of Save Rock and Roll comes out, the tour dates are released, and the fans will get to hear us again. After years of terrible times I finally got back to doing what I love, with who I love. Brendon is even throwing us a party for the album drop. It was supposed to be a secret but come on, its Brendon. This morning Patrick and me went out for breakfast and went to the mall to get something to wear for the night. Now we're just sitting on the couch watching a movie, well I'm watching. He was laid down with his head in my lap looking up at me.

"What?" I asked with a slight giggle. And he just shrugged his shoulders. "Trick why are you looking at me like that?"

"I just love you" he replied and I felt my face go red. He leaned up and kissed me then fell back into my lap. "And no matter what happens today with the album, or court case, you have made my life one million times better than you could ever known."

I almost forgot that the case was today. But I wasn't going to let it bring down my mood. I had something big planned for tonight and I had Sarah help me set something up. Nothing was going to mess it up.

When the movie ended we went upstairs to get ready, once Brendon found out that we knew he told us to dress nice for the occasion. Me and 'Trick both got changed into the close we bought today and made our way over to B's house.

As I pull up I notice a lot of cars already being in the driveway. I could see Andy and Joe already were here, same as some people at the label. Me and Patrick walked in hand in hand. He was nervous because he still didn't know everyone here and he was never a fan of big crowds to begin with anyways.

"Finally you guys made it!" Brendon yelled over to us. "I thought that you were going to miss your own release party!"

"We would never" Patrick jokes. 

As the day went on and there was still no word on the trial I could tell he was getting more and more nervous. Getting him out of the house and surrounded by mostly people he knows is a good thing.

"Anyway Patrick I want you to meet everyone that you might not remember. Pete, Sarah was looking for you." he gave me a small smile and Patrick just looked confused. I acted like I had no clue what he was talking about and went off to find Sarah. She was in the kitchen talking to a few friends when I walked in. Immediately she excused herself and ran over to me.

"Pete I've got to show you what I did." she exclaimed as she grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs towards the roof entrance. "What do you think?" she said as she opened the door to show me this path that leads to few couches with a fire pit in the middle. Once it got dark enough it would be perfect. And the sun was already setting. The view was amazing.

"It's perfect."

"So can I see it?" I nodded and pulled a little black box out of my back pocket and handed it to her. Once she opened it she gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. "Pete he's going to love it"

"Let's hope" I looked down at my watch to see that we had five minutes before the song dropped and the first music video was out. Nobody really knew what was happening with the music videos yet so it should be a shock tonight when the screen says Part One of Eleven. "We should probably get downstairs". She agreed with me and gave me back the ring to put in my pocket. Once we got down there everyone was taking a seat in front of the tv and the guys were standing in front of it.

"Ahhh there he is!" Andy joked and I joined the guys at the front of the room. "We were waiting for you to have a few words before we played the vid. I smiled at him and they moved over to the side.

"So thank you all for coming tonight, thank you all for even making this possible, and thank you Brendon and Sarah for letting us all into your home." Brendon and Sarah lifted up there drinks

"Anyway, We've been waiting for this moment for awhile and it's finally here! The guys and I have all put a lot of work in making this album one of or best yet. It has a bunch of new tones in it that's a little different than anything we as a band have done so I hope you guys enjoy. This is Save Rock and Roll." The lights went dim and the TV turned on. My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up) started playing and everyone started watching as 2 Chainz and some girls started lighting old band memorabilia on fire. About half way through Patrick's phone lit up and he quickly got up and ran to another room. I went to follow him but right as I did the video ended and everyone started asking me, Andy, and Joe questions. Everyone seemed to like it and wanted to know when there will be more. Brendon started reading some of the comments on the video which made everything even better because the fans seemed to like it too. They loved that it was different but still "Fall Out Boy".

With all the excitement around me it was hard to slip away, but I took the first chance I could get. I found Patrick in Brendons studio room sitting on the Piano bench but his face was unreadable which scared me.

"'Trick? Was that about Jonathan?" He nodded his head "What did they say?"

"Life in prison. I'll never have to see or hear about him ever again. He's going behind bars for the rest of his life." a smile came across his face. "It's finally over Pete" he said as he pulled me into a hug. It was a weight lifted off of both of our shoulders.

"I'm so happy for you, and I've got some good news."


"Everyone loved our new song. Our friends the fans. They love it!" He pulled me into another hug.

"That's amazing Pete! I was so worried people we going to hate everything. This day couldn't get any better."

"Well I think that's a challenge." he gave me a confused look. "Follow me" I said as I stood up and put my hand out. He grabbed it and I led him to the roof. Once we got there I told him to close his eyes as I opened the door. Honestly once I looked out It surprised me. It became dark enough that the path was lit bright and made everything look like it was a movie. "Open 'em" He did as told and as his eyes opened he gasped.

"What is all of this?" he asked.

"It's for you." I replied as I led him over to the couches that overlooked the city we sat there in silence for a few as we just looked out. His hand was in mine while his head rested on my shoulder and I couldn't be any happier.

"You made my night even better." he said and kissed me on the cheek.

"Well hopefully I have one more thing that will make it perfect." he gave me another confused look as I got down on one knee. Tears started rolling down his face. "'Trick, you being gone for so long made me realize one thing. That I don't want to ever have to be without you. You make every second of my life one million times better. So would you please please please Marr-" I was cut off with his lips crashing into mine. We were both crying, but happy tears. "So can I take that as a yes?"

"You can take that as a yes." I finally stood up and picked him up to kiss him again. His legs wrapped around my waist. Then all the sudden the door burst open and Brendon comes running out.

"FINALLY!" he yelled as he ran over to hug us. Sarah, Andy, and Joe followed behind. The rest of that night was the six of us on that rooftop celebrating and ignoring the rest of the party. I wouldn't have it any other way. Life was good. I was finally truly happy. If you asked me a year ago how I was feeling I would lie and say I was fine but I never was. I was missing a half of me. The half of me that I'm now going to marry. It's crazy how much someone can improve your life, but every time I look at him I get butterflies in my stomach and I never want to let that feeling, or him go. And now I never have too.

AN: So that's the end of the story! thank you to everyone who voted, commented, and added it to your reading lists. As of right now its #139 on the triggers tag and that is so crazy to me. I'm so excited to start working on some new projects. hopefully you guys will enjoy them.  

The last QOTD: honest reviews?

 and that was...

 Missing Memories 


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