The inevitable shipping chapter

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Yeah, that's right, I said it. It's time for ships! And what better day to share than Valentine's day? I'll have 1 cannon ship, my favorite ship, a ship between two of my OC characters, and one weird ship and an equally weird head cannon to justify it.

The Cannon ship:

The Cannon ship:

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Sonamy boom

Admit it, this ship has to be cannon. In the show and possibly the game, they hint at it too much for it not to be so. The two are just too shy to admit it, something I like from most couples.

 The two are just too shy to admit it, something I like from most couples

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This is what's happening in the background. In case you were curious.

The Favorite ship:

Flameslinger X Stealth elf

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Flameslinger X Stealth elf

If you read my stories, or have read those I've deleted before I did, you already know this is my favorite shipping of all time. I swear, nothing would ever change my opinion on this ship, even if the Netflix show decides to go insane and ship Spyro and Stealth elf and never add Flameslinger. ( #addflameslinger) Oh well, I have faith that would never happen anyway, even if they don't add Flameslinger. There are personally way more Spyro X Cynder fans like me anyway. (No hate if you like dragons shipped with elves.)

The OC shipping:

The OC shipping:

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Jace and Ivy

I know this is possibly spoiling something in one of my stories, and it seems weird. But I don't care, Ivy and Jace were made for each other.

The weird ship:

Samus X MegaMan

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Samus X MegaMan

Okay, look, I know this one could never actually happen, but it could in my version of MegaMan. In my version of MegaMan, he's not really a robot, and he's eighteen. Let's face it, Doctor Light probably would have gotten into legal issues for equipping an adolescent with deadly weapons and sending him to fight killer robots.

 Let's face it, Doctor Light probably would have gotten into legal issues for equipping an adolescent with deadly weapons and sending him to fight killer robots

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Happy Valentine's day!

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