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Title must be "Lit"

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You must post 15 facts about yourself

Tag at least 5 other people to do this

Must be done in a week or you have to post a picture of yourself trying to dance

1. I'm considered the quiet and well behaved kid in the family.

2. Despite being quiet, once you get me started on a topic I enjoy, it's almost difficult to shut me up.

3. Fact one is a little strange because I'm the oldest.

4. Sonic was the first game I played while growing up.

5. I can't decide if I want to be lazy or if I want to be active sometimes

6. Unless I have something to do, I can't sit still for too long.

7. I'm claustrophobic.

8. Despite what people tell me, I still consider myself ugly, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate compliments.

9. I'm definitely straight.

10. Drawing characters or running around describe most of my days off.

11. I'm a sucker for baby animals.

12. I swear, no matter how many other people are in the room with me, it's always me the cat will bug for attention, and he'll sit on my drawing stuff to get it.

13. I worry about accidentally disrespecting others too much.

14. I actually don't like GTA, Fallout, or Skyrim for some reason, despite having family members who do.

15. I try combining characters for some reason.






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