Random incorrect quotes.

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1. Vacation.

Bass: I don't feel like killing anyone on vacation.

Roll: Top Man has a nice smile...

Bass: I'll shoot the f**king top off his head.

2. Who done it?

Foximator: Okay, who decided to put a chompy in the microwave?

*Everyone looks at Krankcase*

Krankcase: what!?

Sonic: okay, it was actually my idea, but I'm not proud of it.

3. Burning.

Cali: is something burning down here?

Flynn: just my heart whenever you're near.😜

Cali: Flynn, the fridge is on fire.

4. Who broke it?

*A broken coffee maker sits in the kitchen*

Dr. Light: alright, who broke it? I'm not mad, I just want to know.

*Everyone is silent*

Cut Man: I think it was Elec Man.

Elec Man: what!? No way!

Guts Man: come on, Cut, it had to be you!

Cut Man: No I didn't! I swear! Are you sure it wasn't Blues?

Blues: hey leave me out of this, I don't even drink coffee!

Bomb Man: Rock's been pretty quiet...

Rock: so now you're accusing me!?

Oil Man: wasn't Time Man the last one to use it?

Time Man: yeah, but I didn't break it!

*Bickering continues*
*Dr Light steps out into the backyard*

Dr Light: I broke it. It burned my hand so I threw it on the ground in frustration. I bet they'll be at each other with their weapons equipped in a few minutes...

It was getting a little boring around here.

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