Head cannons cuz I have writer's block

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Flameslinger has always been seen somewhat as a ninja, however unlike Stealth elf he prefers to use speed to sneak around rather than turn completely invisible.

Spyro and Cynder are similar to Phoenixes, they have had multiple past lives before and have been reborn the same as they were. However this also makes them eternal lovers, as they are always never siblings.

Hex actually has long flowing blood red hair, but always wears her hood so no one stares at it. Lance light (Skylander OC) is the only one who's seen her hair.

Flameslinger was mute for two years as a Skylander, before finally opening up to everyone.

Gill grunt would never accept the fact that the original mermaid he fell in love with fell in love with a pirate instead, at least not until meeting Punk shock.

Phoenix the fire harpy (Skylander OC) finally answered the one question bugging many historians and scientist in Skylands. As it turns out harpies do infact hatch from eggs.

Whirlwind is the only Skylander Camo will actually grow plain melons for. It's obvious that he won't prank her because of his huge crush on her, but he tries to deny it.

Flameslinger is technically the fastest Skylander, but he didn't want to hurt Aroura's feelings due to how confident she was with her light speed tackle. Freeze blade is often disappointed with Flameslinger for holding back.

The reason Aroura is actually slower than Flameslinger is because she only dashes ahead a short distance, before pausing and dashing ahead again. Flameslinger starts dashing and keeps his speed going long enough to cover 80 miles in at least a minute and a half.

Spit fire teleports, after all it's hard to dash across the globe when you're world isn't a globe. Since he gained his quick teleportation from actually repairing a rift engine, he has a greater understanding of all Super chargers.

The only reason some people see Flameslinger as a snarky show off is because Lightning rod is jealous of his aim and spreads rumors.

Flameslinger is the only male fire Skylander who doesn't lose his temper, however Sunburn can keep his cool longer than the others.

Pop fizz is amazing at serving drinks and tending bar, unfortunately no one can tell if he's trying to serve his crazy potions or not.

Rider is the shortest of the male Skylanders and is very self conscious of it. He hates it when the other guys make fun of him for it.

Every year, Wrecking ball and Slobber tooth have an eating contest, unfortunately some chairs and tables often go where their food is going in the process.

Slobber tooth still has an addiction to microphones.

Flameslinger and Spyro are best friends. No one can really explain why, but it just happened. Spyro was also the first to point out that they were the only fire wielding Skylanders who could be burnt, yet they're still some of the most powerful.

Flameslinger only hates three things in life: tight spaces, large crowds, and people wasting food.

Boomer is the only troll who respects nature, of course this doesn't overshadow his love for explosions. He just keeps the boom booms in open fields and away from majestic forests.

Zap used to race Flameslinger for fun, but ever since Aroura became a Skylander Sensei he's had a hard time convincing the elf to race him.

Flameslinger is the only fire elf in all of Skylands, making him even more rare than any hybrid.

Lightning rod considers Flameslinger a rival, but only because everyone enjoys the elf's company over his. Most of Flameslinger's mornings will start with a loud thunder clap, followed by Lightning rod cussing because he missed.

Eruptor has a soft side, he loves flowers but is ashamed he can't touch them without causing them to burst into flames.

Kaos is ashamed that he went bald, but he's even more ashamed of the fact he used to have a big poofy afro when he did have hair. When he really thinks about it, he actually much prefers being bald.

Golden queen refuses to admit she loves the color teal just as much as the color gold.

Krankcase purposely gave himself the spider legs.

Before Rider was undead, he actually had brown hair, which is rare for most elves. He's also proud that his hair didn't change color when he turned undead. Brown hair looks much nicer with blue skin anyway.

Despite harnessing the undead element, Cynder, Hex, Rider, Roller brawl, and Bat spin are technically living. They simply had a simple skin and hair color change from changing elements, or were born with undead energy to begin with.

Ghost roaster doesn't realize it, but he actually did die. He decayed over the course of two months before rising from the dead soon after.

Pop fizz was actually brown at one point, but was changed to so many different colors in his life time that he forgot. When his fur permanently changed blue, and stayed blue, he just always assumed that was his natural color.

Star strike has rich teal skin, and white hair. It's just difficult to see her with the hooded cloak she wears.

Flameslinger tries not to complain, but if he did, he'd be the only fire Skylander to say, "it's too hot!"

Sunburn enjoys his role as the father figure to Sonic boom's hatchlings.

Jet-vac over thinks everything. Even something as simple as starting with his left or right foot to walk.

Hex has a secret love for singing. She just hates singing in front of everyone.

Stealth elf is annoyed that Flameslinger is the only other person she isn't able to sneak up on.

Roller brawl is extremely flirtatious, but if she really liked someone seriously, she'd let them know.

Fangz (Skylander OC) was once a normal undead vampire, however under mysterious circumstances and falling into a cursed pit, he changed to the dark element, giving him giant bat wings sprouting from his back in the process.

Spotlight is actually much younger than Blackout, and the dark dragon treats her like his little sister. He's very over protective of her, and Drobot had some serious convincing to do so Blackout would allow him to date her.

Sprocket may hate most makeup and jewelry, but she has a secret affinity for red lipstick.

Lightning rod would never admit he's an attention hog, yet that fact becomes apparent whenever anyone meets him for the first time. He's also the kind of person who holds a jealous grudge, which becomes obvious whenever Flameslinger approaches. You'll know if Flameslinger is nearby because his cloud will turn black and storm intensely.

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