Ero's Arrow

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Shut up the scene is funny to me^^ and happy V day everyone! Have a thing.

Julian's  POV

     I was packing up to leave the office. It wasn't a far walk from the Station to my apartment. I dreaded this day. Valentines. Americans are so weird giving others an insane amount of candy and pampering? No thanks. Its silly in my opinion. Why have one day to a lover and get dumped the next day? Why celebrate one day for love when live happens to everyone everywhere. Its a stupid holiday in my opinion. Absolutely worthless.

   Someone bumped into me causing me to drop all my papers on the ground. I know I'm small but really people?! The man had flaming red hair and the oddest yet most gorgeous green-blue eyes I've ever seen before. He was extremely attractive and looked in a hurry from something mischievous.

"Dearie me, my apologies are most great!" He sounded Russian but maybe it could be Norwegian.?
The young man, who was around 20ish, bent down and picked up my papers then stood up with a smile.

"Everyone calls me Cupid, and you are?" he smiles kindly

He hands me the papers and keeps his hand out, I shake his hand as if a business partner would. I felt something twinge down my spine and through out my body. It was pleasureful but I was in public so I held the moan. Feelings and images of Barry Allen flooded my mind before I shook it off and turned around.
"Nice meeting you" I started walking into not my direction but Barry's Apartment direction. Of course I didn't know that till I knocked on his door...

Want me to continue. I planned something saucy to happen but I hit writers block. But hwy happy v day.

I for one don't mind the useless holiday. I get to have an excuse to eat more sugar then I already do!


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