Chapter 2: Lance

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I would miss the feeling of the sun tickling the freckles that laid over the bridge of my nose. I would miss the leisure of being able to walk down to the beach and swim for hours. I would miss everything summer had to offer with the new school year starting. Deep down, I knew the beach would always be at my disposal- It's not like the ocean could get up and walk away, if it could I'd probably scream.

School had its benefits. It would give me the opportunity to make new friends. There would be clubs to be involved within and extracurricular activities to explore. I genuinely loved the concept of high school and what it could offer. West Altea High, however, seemed to be the breeding grounds of condemnatory, vain students who had a thing with making morbid jokes. It was typical in that aspect, yet one subtle thing or action could ruin you. High schoolers were fucking brutal.

I got teased for owning an outdated iPhone and for my aging, leather book bag. I did my best to claim that it was because I refused to conform to society's standards, which was half true, the other half was because my family saw it as a waste of money. I was born in Cuba, unlike my younger cousins. We moved to the United States when I was roughly four. My Spanish accent couldn't develop completely to impose on my English. I was bilingual in both languages.

As immigrants we didn't have the leisure to spend money willy-nilly. I'd see my friends get to go on recreational school trips and go on exotic vacations. I'd always have to pass up on those experiences. I understood my situation. I simply understood it too well.

"Lance, I can't believe we are juniors already!- It was just the other day we were in third grade together, remember? I had my vibrant, yellow backpack and you had on your dirty, blue tennis shoes. You really did love those sneakers. That makes me think of when I bought you a new pair once your feet broke through the soles. Wasn't that for your eleventh birthday?" Hunk, my best friend since I could remember stammered up against me.

We were both walking towards our inevitable doom, high school. The campus was in walking distance of our homes. We never once thought to subject ourselves to the insufferable noises and smells of a sorrow-filled school bus.

Being neighbors did have its perks. The first was always being able to see each other all the time and the second was the privilege of taking our scooters over and spending the night whenever we pleased, though, we always decided to stay at Hunk's.

I let out a large sigh while laughing lightly, "It seems like someone is excited for the new school year. I wish I could say the same." 

"Why aren't you enthusiastic? Last year all I can remember was you talking about how junior year would change." His big face seemed burdened. We both cared a lot for one another, but he was always a tad more expressive.

I looked up at the blue sky. Sheep wool whisked away quickly with the wind, "Hunk, buddy, I'm not sure. I guess I'm a bit sad with Shiro leaving. He was such a great leader and role model, I'm not sure how the football team is going to hold up."

"Yeah, I know how much you looked up to him... This year could finally be your chance though? You should sign up!" He smiled brightly as if it was as simple as signing my name on a form and a meager audition.

"It's too late. The football team this year is just comprised of a bunch of freshman," I took my right hand to brush my hair back, "I signed up for color guard instead."

"You what?" Hunk began to laugh hysterically, "That's funny, Lance."

"Hunk, I'm not joking. My family set aside only a certain amount of money for school activities. They think I'm doing football."

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