Chapter 13: Keith

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I felt swallowed by all the noise and people around me. The student section barked loudly into my ears and I felt my hearing dissipate into nothingness. I thought my vision was deceiving me much like how I theorized my ears were when my eyes laid on Lance, but he stood poised and beautiful under the stadium's lights.

In truth, I was unsure why I was at the football game after Lance had denied my invitation, yet I stood hanging over the railing despite the issue. The smallest dosage of curiosity had dragged me; my question desired an answer: why had he said no? Looking right at him, I knew he was in color guard and that's what kept him from saying yes. That was a part of his reasoning anyway.

His slicked back hair and his glittery eyes had dug up what very little attraction I had towards femininity. His appearance suffocated me. I forgot how to breathe and I became even more clueless when he noticed me observing over his lanky frame in full costume.

When our eyes locked, I forced myself to snap back into reality. I moved away, turining my back on him. I couldn't stand it. I couldn't stand that he was so far out of reach. I was capable of acknowledging that there was an insufferable distance between us. His presence on the football field furthered that looming road.

I walked away flushed with Lance's image and uncomfortable from the unavoidable presence of spirited teenagers. I brushed up against every moving figure that seemed to barricade my path. During my fantasy-ridden state, I managed to crash into someone. He looked down at me, "Watch where you're going," a small laugh followed his statement indicating that he was not upset.

I tried to nudge past him to get out of his way, but he purposefully blocked me from continuing down my unknown route. I figured he expected a reply, "Sorry," I mumbled pathetically.

That had not appeased him. He held onto my shoulders as I tried to move away, "Do you know Shiro? You look kind of familiar."

"That's none of your business," I broke away from his hold on me.

Right as I thought I could get away, he grabbed my hand, "Keith," he called and then continued on with what he wanted to say, "That's your name, isn't it?"

I had refused to meet his eyes, but I was in a situation that demanded that I did. I glared right at him, "If you want to go ahead and ridicule me because I don't have Shiro to bodyguard me anymore, go ahead," I wheezed, "Just save me the pride and have it not be in front of every known high schooler in existence."

Sympathy seemed to soften his expression. His breathing was set at the same pace as mine and his fingers loosened off of my shoulders, "I must have been mistaken." He fixed his half-frame, cat eye glasses and headed towards the exit of the stadium.

He had little to no trouble moving past the crowd that had lined up near the concession stand. His height aided in his movement and it helped me keep an eye on him. He was too tall to be a senior; I figured that he attended university. I was not surprised to see a Garrison Tech patch on his jacket.

Caution did not cross my mind, even after the random outsider had forced me to stay in his company. I couldn't leave the odd conversation at just that. Too many signs pulled me towards acquiring a name.

I lunged towards him, attempting to get through the crowd. I gritted my teeth and drove my way in. I stumbled as I broke away from the line of hangry students, successfully getting past the crowd and getting the attention of the nameless stranger, "Don't leave," I whined. I cringed and shook off how needy I sounded, "How do you know who I am?"

"I thought by mentioning Shiro it'd be pretty obvious."

"Is he here?"

He sighed, "Shiro just left with Matt and Matt's little sister to go get milkshakes."

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