Chapter 6: Lance

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I was in fact late to practice and Mrs. Honerva, the esteemed color guard director, did in fact care. I was wise to have changed before entering the gym. That would have appeared to have been tremendously tacky.

"Lance, what took you so long? You've kept us ladies waiting." She tapped her foot impatiently. Her wrinkled forehead only indicated her frustration. The color guard girls all got off the ground at my arrival. They had been waiting for me. Being the only male set the balance off for the team. I was given the position as the center performer.

"Ah, sorry! I was waiting for a friend. I'll do my best to be on time next practice," I sulked and widened my blue eyes, begging for forgiveness.

She sighed, giving into my attempt for redemption, "Just this one time McClain. It's unfair for me to have given you the solo when all these wonderful ladies have worked just as hard as you."

I pressed my front toes on the gym's floors, "Thank you, Mrs. Honerva!" I quickly got into standard position with my flag at hand. I wasn't the most skilled performer, that was certain, but I was severely dedicated.

Band camp wasn't just for marchers, it was also for color guard members to participate in. It was mentally and physically exhausting and the uneven tan lines that came with it were extremely horrific. Even after all the time the girls on my team had spent at the beach, the Neapolitan ice cream tan lines would come to haunt them. I did not want to look like an Italian, frozen dessert. It was an inevitable destiny that would fall upon pasty skinned ladies. In conclusion, I was thankful to have been blessed with my Cuban pigment, still, that didn't stop the sun from darkening my complexion a shade.

Mrs. Honerva had been forgiving to schedule the gym for our guard routine. I was getting disgusted by the amount of sweat that my body would accumulate; there was no need to dig into a deeper elaboration. I'd close my eyes at times to take in the glory of the air conditioner, it emulated the winds of the beach. When I really got lost was when the stereo button was put on play. I'd dance with the music following each memorized step of the act. I'd twirl my flag and it engulfed me in a new realm. I adored being transported in such a way; the ocean and color guard were the other two things that  made me feel so special, so wanted.

"In time, McClain!" Mrs. Honerva instructed me to sync in with the entirety of the guard. She was always more hard on me. I readjusted my mental tempo to better fit with the muffled sound of the stereo. The music dispersed through the great space of the gym, barely reaching the ceiling, "I'm very impressed with how you have come with your foot technique," she'd throw me a compliment every once in awhile.

We ran through the program roughly three times before it was deemed not a nuisance to watch. I had gotten more accurate with catching my flag and even more quick with switching it out with a riffle. I always had my slip ups though and they were as embarrassing as visual mistakes in preforming come.

Cerise, with cherry skin and brown hair, brushed her way against me with two other color guard members, Nina and Jenny, along her side. She twisted her straight hair and softly spoke, "Lance, the girls and I were wondering if you'd like to get smoothies with us. It'll be my treat." Her skin, if not burned enough from her lack of exposure to the sun, seemed to deepen more red in her face.

I listed my brow confidently, "Something cool down my throat sounds dire. Any suggestions that you lovely ladies might have in mind?"

"We know this great place near the beach," Cerise softly giggled, "Meet us out in the parking lot by the electric green Jeep. That's my ride. I'll even give you a lift."

"That sounds perfect. I'll catch up with you girls later on," I shamelessly winked as I headed towards the restroom to change out of my beyond hideous athletic shorts and t-shirt. Expectantly, they had the school's logo printed on them.

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