Chapter 4: Lance

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How I was able to survive my first few classes as a junior was beyond my recollection. I had been dozing off, something I'd like to believe was out of my character. In fifth period, I was surrounded by my obnoxiously, popular friend group and miraculously I somehow managed to get Hunk as my lab partner. Having him in at least one of classes made my day all the better. There was hope for the school year. However, the fact that I had signed up for chemistry of all classes made me doubt said expectations.

I didn't need an explanation to be with Hunk, though I'd proudly defend our friendship. I'd goof off with Nyma, Luxia, and Rolo, but whenever we were assigned together to work on a tedious lab, which I'd graciously let Hunk lead, we could just be ourselves. I didn't know what I'd do without him.

"Psst, Lance," Hunk had been poking me incessantly.

I had fallen asleep once again and it was looking like I had lied about my lack of a tendency to drift away into my own thoughts and then later into a dream. It had been happening ever since I got wasted at Shiro's end of the school year party. Small fragments of my memory would come back to me, filling in the blank spaces of the puzzle of my so called remembrance of the evening.
Keith had a questionably, significant role in it all. He was too damn familiar for him not to be.

"Hmm?" I managed to acknowledge Hunk and his pestering taps. I shivered myself awake, the air conditioner was right up above where I sat.

Hunk quickly gestured that I'd keep my voice down. He was always very self cautious in class, especially whenever it came to the beginning of school. He lived by making the best first impression, "Keep it down and make sure you are paying attention. We are going over what we are doing this week. Apparently, we are going to have a lab next week!" Hunk whispered, his voice increasing in volume as he got closer to finishing up what he had to say.

"That's great, buddy," I dozed off again. The idea of class honestly just bored me to death; nothing more than advanced placement chemistry. I had to take such a rigorous course if I ever wanted to get my state's scholarships or if I wanted a cheap college fee. So far I was out of luck with my circumstances.

I was thrilled to make it to my last class of the day. I was unfamiliar with all the students I was with except Kieth, the grocery boy and the person my friends were talking about. I felt a sudden rush of adrenaline at the realization that we'd share a class period. It was always good to know someone even if it was only for a year.

I messily dropped my books on top of my desk as I threw my leather bag onto my chair, "Keith, my man?" I questioned awaiting a response of acknowledgement.

His brow close in on his darkening eyes to form a glare. He was the embodiment of pissed. I flinched back slightly as he softened his eyes, "Lance?" He choked.

Anger no longer lingered in his disposition. I laughed in relief. "It's good to see you and to have a class together?- isn't that unexpected!"

"Uhhh, yeah, I guess so," He swallowed air while turning his head. His attention was caught by something in the window.

I nodded my head as I walked by to where he was standing. I draped my arm around his shoulder. He flinched slightly at the touch, "I wanna leave too. I've got practice later after school, so that's rather unfortunate, but I'm happy I won't be stuck in a stuffy classroom."

Keith seemed to be in agreement with what I had to say. I could vouch that he was mentally exhausted from our first day back. He was lucky enough to be a senior. He'd never have to see this place again. I couldn't wait to be done and it was horrifying to think I was halfway through my high school career.

The bell abruptly alarmed us to settle down and position ourselves into our seats. Our teacher bursted in through the classroom's door; once having entered, the door harshly shut behind him. He positioned himself to where he leaned against his desk with crossed arms and legs. He took in a deep, husky breath, "I'm Mr. Iverson, your English teacher. Do not assume this will be an easy class. I expect only quality in what you all turn in..." He paused half way through his introduction. I looked around to see the sheer terror on everyone else's face. Keith's face was devoid of expression as he stared coldly into Iverson's only functioning eye.

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