Chapter 5: Keith

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Lance scrambled to the school's gym for his sport's practice session. I attentively watched him hurry down as he made his way through the stuffy hallway. He was utterly impossible for me to read, though I had never been skilled with reading people. I personally preferred books, they were always so much easier for me to understand.

I was between if he had been taking his dear sweet time because he dreaded practice or if he was merely as good hearted as I had considered him to be. In the end, his coach wouldn't accept any reason for being tardy. Teachers were always killjoys.

I eavesdropped on what few words Inversion had to share with Lance. I had been numbed by my father's physical punches to not care about the verbal ones. I figured Lance was very naïve, yet the tanned boy stood by my side and declared that we were friends even after our teacher strongly suggested against it.

He didn't need to get wrapped up in my life and he didn't need to get wrapped up in me. Lance was so popular. He was practically everyone's friend; by befriending me he'd succeed in being well rounded in all groups of people. I wondered if he'd been dared to. It had happened in the past. No one ever approves of an antisocial gay.

Gay men had to be fabulous. They had to wear tight, pretty clothes that exemplified their physique. They knew all about fashion designers and more importantly they could tell Prada from Gucci. That's what set my coming out different from others. I didn't fit the stereotype and it all began to feel like the plot to High School Musical, though all without the singing and instead substituted with shitty, angsty teenagers with nothing else better to do. It would make parent's sue Disney.

Such insignificant thoughts such as the ones prior dwindled in my mind. Lance was the first person to make me feel something so pressing and I wanted him to be the last. I couldn't stand to be with him, but I couldn't stand to not be by his side. The cutting feeling in my gut strongly indicated that I had affections for the boy. I didn't care that my heart latched onto someone of the same sex, it was rather a question on why it had to be him. I knew I wanted Lance and he was unattainable; straight as the road on a highway and taken as far as a high school relationship was concerned. He wasn't mine.

I began my descension down the school's marble staircase, sunlight briefly having made contact with my pale skin. Once I was given the opportunity to shield my face from such brightness, I seized that opportunity. I dug into the pockets of my ripped blue jeans to find my pair of red earbuds. I inserted each bud into each ear. I plugged them into my iPhone and clicked on the first playlist that came into mind.

I let out a deep sigh, acknowledging I couldn't hide from the scorching sun forever. I strutted my way towards the parking lot where I would find my crimson motorcycle glimmering in Florida's deep heat.

Roughly no one sane was still at school. The parking lot appeared abandoned if not for myself and a handful of colorful Jeeps and Lexuses. A few sheets of paper where bundled up in a tight ball, blowing in the wind like tumbleweeds. They littered the ground and I had the decency of picking them up and properly disposing of them, unlike any of my prissy peers.

As I was securing my biking helmet on the top of my head, I noticed a yellow sticky note that had been placed on my bike seat. The bold word, fag, written in black sharpie, was displayed on the thin, sticky sheet. It was a clear demonstration that my homosexual existence was not welcomed.

I was almost glad to have gotten coming out out of the way, yet I still wished I could avoid the threats and the prosecution. It was a package deal sort of thing. If you wanted to be yourself, you had to be willing to endure the stinging shots of the dense public. No one had the fucking right to care so much. It wasn't like I was imposing my sexual preference on others, I never even talked about it. I never even stood up and declared my sexuality... someone else did the deed. I was practically dragged out of the closest.

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