Chapter 3: Keith

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"What do you mean I can't take online classes this year? I've been able to since I was a sophomore! You can't take away this freedom you've already granted me. It's against the constitution, the law." I slammed my ivory hands on the glazed, wooden desk that stood before me. Principal Alfor barely flinched at my action that clearly emphasized my distaste and disapproval. He had already called me in and it hadn't even been a full week of school yet. It was rather humoring I could say.

"Mr. Kogane, I know you are aware that you took your senior level courses last year," He took in a deep breathe, "That is by far the least of our issues." His elbows graced the surface of his working table as he folded his hands. He maintained a regal posture even as I went on my little fit.

I slumped back into the chair that was practically reserved for myself, it had Keith bloody Kogane written all over it. I crossed my legs over and I let the tips of my red converse fall upon in front of him, "Please, I beg that you further elaborate. My incompetent, futile mind is incapable of processing the significance of this meeting." I leaned my head black and closed my eyes pretending I was somewhere else. I did not dream to be at home. I hated to admit school was better and most kids my age would happen to disagree, "Are you not letting me take online classes because I need interaction with my peers?"

He broke the puzzle his fingers were engaged in by bringing up his hands to the temples of his head. He shut his eyes and exhaled deeply as if he were experiencing a troubling migraine; I was just that. "As a matter of fact that is a reason for it. Your records do not indicate that you are a particularly social student. You've had several cases of disciplinary issues in the past, one example being that you've skipped class on countless occasions. The school board and I have come to the conclusion that immersing yourself in a classroom setting would only behoove you." He forced an insincere smile, "My daughter, Allura, will gladly help you readjust."

I rolled my eyes so hard that they almost fell out of the back of my head, "So you are telling me I can't convince you otherwise. How do you know I'm not a threat to the safety of any students with my rebellious tendencies?"

"I do hope you aren't suggesting what I believe you are. I wouldn't want to get law enforcement involved, now would I? All I want to see is you with a good friend, I can imagine that will turn yourself around." He pointed towards the door, "Get to class, Mr. Kogane, this will hopefully not be a lengthy school year."

"Principal Alfor, for once I have to agree with you. Farewell and I look forward to our next meeting." As I left his office I could hear the relief in his breath.

Once the door slammed behind me, the reality of being a senior sunk in. I looked down to glimpse over my schedule. One of the moronic classes I was to take was physical education, a course I neglected to sign up for during freshman year. I'd be stuck with a bunch of fetuses and I knew I would be an oddball in their short statures, but who's to say I would in a class full of juniors as well.

I wasn't behind in where I stood academically, the online courses I took were out of order in the curriculum program of what West Altea High offered. It was mandatory for me to take the classes that I had on my schedule in order to graduate. It was outlandish, but there wasn't much I could do. I could have taken them online, yet it was extremely discouraged and not allowed for me. After two years you would have thought that they'd forgive and forget. It now started to feel like I was getting punished after all this time.

I was kicked off the football team and Shiro was disappointed in me for that, but I honestly didn't give a damn. If I really wanted to stay, he could have pulled a few strings. I was at a very low point of my life.

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