Pg3: Age of Innocence

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I don't know why I did what I did but it lead us both in trouble...
"What are you doing?" Maryam said with concern.
I came more forward to her, I never came this close to her, I was always scared.
" why do you hate me! Everyone likes me!" I said.
She stood there silent, did she really have nothing to say?
I then jumped on her back. I do not know why, but it felt right.
She looked extremely scared, more than she should have. All I remember was is my nose was bleeding, getting hit in the head, with me on the ground, and Maryam causing that all. Everyone was watching, hope Derrick didn't see her hit me.
No matter how much I screamed to him to get away from me, he just kept coming closer. What if my dad saw this. That was at the back of my head the whole time.
He tackled me, WHY?
"What are you doing? Get off me!" I screamed.
"Not until you tell me why you ha.." I cut him off by hurting him. I elbowed him in the nose, and he started to bleed. He fell to the ground and started crying like a baby.
The teacher came outside and asked everyone what happened.
I was going to get in trouble.
Well at-least he was off me.
***After recess everyone went inside, Maryam and Jake were in the office***
Everyone was silent.. I was just watching him putting an ice pack against his shoulder and cleaning his nose bleed.
Was I really that strong?
I felt very bad, but I couldn't tell him why, I didn't even know why. Why I was even ignoring him.
***15 mins later***
Me and Jake both went back to class to discuss the situation to the class and teachers.
"I saw Maryam knock out Jake" said Matt
Ugh does he ever stay quiet.
"She did it by accident, I was tackling her, it is my fault." Jake said
I was in shock. Why was he sticking up for me after everything?
After the discussion, the teacher said we were both at fault and we had to write each-other sorry letters printed in our favourite colours.
***Afternoon recess***
Jake and I had to stay in for recess and write our letters to each other, but that only took 5 minutes of our time. When I was done and got out, I saw Derrick again, he said nothing to me which I respected.
I noticed he was holding hockey cards, and talking really excitedly about hockey.
I have to give my letter to Jake tomorrow, because I have to buy a sorry present with it. I told my mother to drop me at my cousin Yasin house, because I could not tell her to buy a present for a male, that would be way too suspicious.
***1 hour later***
"Maryam and Shah!!" Yasin screamed.
Yasin was like a big brother I never had, which I didn't. He was 12 years old and really loved sports. My mother dropped me and my brother Shah off.
We were in Yasin room.
"you did what?" Yasin asked, after I explained the Jake story to him.
"You did the right thing, stay away from boys." There I heard it again.
"What present should I get him?" I asked Yasin.
"Hold on." Yasin said
It took Yasin a long time to come back, but as I was searching around his room, I saw a pack of hockey cards, I thought about how Derrick loved hockey.
My thoughts wandered, I was thinking what if I..

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