Part 2: Changing

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I can't believe my eyes! After 7 years of crushing on him lowkey, we are in the same class! Derrick?!
I quickly turned away but he noticed I looked at him. Oh god I'm gonna be so shy in this class but I'm not a shy person.
"So class, since this is a new class and most of you guys are unfamiliar with eachother, I'm going to pair you up randomly and you guys have to tell eachother 3 things about yourself." Mr Paul said.
And guess who I get paired with, Derrick.
I was panicking oh my gosh.
He kept coming closer.
This is. Totally meant.
"Hi, Maryam right?" Derrick said.
I was going to faint.
"Uhh yeah, derrin right? I mean Derrick?"
Smooth Maryam, smooth.
"You don't know my name? I'm surprised, everyone does."
"We'll never came across your name, tell me three things about you, beside your name"
He laughed. I'm a pro, I feel so haram though.
"Haha okay, 1 by 1 because I got to think of many."
"Sure, you start."
"Well I really love hockey, I've been playing it on a REP team ever since I was young, but I also play baseball too, I never get tired of it"
Wow play 2 sports, professionally.
"Woow athletic guy eh?"
"You could say so. Your turn."
"Since this white school does not know what a culture is, I am Afghan and I actually speak two languages at home. I'm very fluent in both too, then I come home speaking them, then come to school speaking English."
"Damn I only know English which makes me feel like poo because I am half Portuguese and half Greek. Good on you for knowing them both, you're smart I respect that."
"I thought you were full on Canadian and thank you, your turn."
"I have really bad luck with my relationships. My bestfriend died of brain tumour, my mother died of lung cancer, my cat died by getting hit by a car, and they all were really important to me."
"I am so sorry..."
I got partnered up with this girl named Ramiysa.
She's Afghan and really pretty but way I'm way out of her league. Besides I was a little more concerned on what was going on with her and Derrick...
"Hello? Tell me 3 things?!" Ramiysa said.
"Oh I'm sorry. I love baseball, math is ew, and I love long walks on the beach, your turn." I replied.
"NOPE. Give me deeper topics. Those suck."
What's wrong with her, I don't even know her...
"Oh so you're peeping on Maryam eh? I see your eyes wandering" Ramiysa said.
"What? No! You assume too much."
"You are a sh*t liar"
"Okay then why don't you say 3 deep things about you."
"Alright since I'm not p*sssy. Me and Derrick use to have a lowkey thing back in the sixth grade, and I was his only thing and I'm telling you he is a ladies man so be careful about your girl getting snatched away..."
"No why would I care? She's not my girl, just bestfriend."
"Again, sh*t liar. I've seen you guys together man. You look like you love her."
We were arguing on this topic for the whole time provided to ask eachother about ourselves, when time was up we got dismissed for recess.
"Oh my god! WE ACTUALLY TALKED FOR THE FIRST TIME!" I said to Rebecca and Marie as we were heading outside for recess.
"I saw! This was totally meant!" Marie said
I thought about what my parents would think of this...
"Did you know that his bestfriend, mom
And cat died?"
"WHAT! He must have had a tough life." Marie replied.
Although Rebecca wasn't really saying anything, she was always listening, she was an amazing listener.
"Hey guys, I'm still so mad we got separated." Zennatt said as she was running towards us.
"Aw I know, but hey we still have lunch, recess and history class all together." I replied.
"I am not gonna lie though, I like my class. I made friends with a few grade 8's which is good." Zennatt said
Throughout the whole recess we were talking to eachother about latest gossip, clothes or one direction.
When the bell rang went back to our class and I was just trying to keep my eyes off Derrick.
***2 hours after lunch***
In the afternoon Marie is another class, while me and Rebecca have all classes together. I don't mind that because I like Rebecca, but I wish either Marie or Zennatt was here because I'm not that close to her.
"Want me to get the paintbrushes? I'll teach you how to properly stay in the lines with water colours" Rebecca said, I laughed and we both started out art project.
As we were painting, a topic popped up in my head.
"I know you and Allan are done because he moved away, but what about Kalvin?"
"What about him?"
"He really likes you, lowkey from the day you came to this school."
"Ew though! He's ugly!"
"But he has a kind heart."
"What about Jake though? Huh?"
"He's my bestfriend. That's incest."
"Stop making excuses."
I don't know why everyone pairs us up, can't boys and girls be friends?
I really had fun that afternoon, me and Rebecca talked about a lot of things.
***jake pov***
That same night Ramiysa texted me. She told me she would in class and at first we were continuing our argument about me 'loving' Maryam, but then we starting talking about deeper topics. I had no clue that someone with such a hyper personality was bullied for 2 years by people she use to call bestfriends and came from a family who use to be very poor. She has really worked her way up.
Also her and Maryam are family friends.
"also, I'm getting switched to Ms. colleens class tomorrow, I'm so mad." Ramiysa said
Great one girl I actually click with a bit is gonna be in a separate class.
***the next day in the afternoon***
"For drama, you guys have to make your own skit and present it to the class, four or five people maximum per group." Mr. Paul said
It was gonna be Me, Calvin, Rebecca and Maryam.
This is the first time me and Maryam are gonna talk properly since the break.

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