Pg3: Somethings are a little new

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Only Maryam understood, I never bothered telling anyone how strict my parents were because I didn't think they'd understand. Even though Zennatt parents weren't strict and she didn't face the same things as me, she had cousins who faced the same thing. I have to go home quickly every after school because that's what my father wanted me to do, and if I didn't there would be questions and consequences, you could say my family was protective, but you'd be surprised how many times bad things have gone after schools.

"Hey I wish you could stay," Jake said to me

"Me too, but maybe another day, I have an appointment."

"Have fun with that. Maybe Zennatt will talk to me and like it." Jake said

I knew he liked her and she did not at all, but sometimes it would make me feel weird, I don't know why. I didn't feel this way about Rebecca and Allen.


I wish she stayed after schools, it's always fun with her. I don't understand why Pashtun dads are so strict sometimes.

"SNOWBALL FIGHT!!!" Jake screamed.

We all ran into small groups and made snowballs. Jake kept hitting me, how annoying. I know he likes me, and is trying so hard to get my attention. I would never like him, he is ugly and non Muslim. Although I dated one before, but still. He's ugly. I don't see anyone liking him.

"Can you stop aiming at me only?" I told Jake.
"Only if you talk to me"
"No I'm good. I'm gonna catch a disease."
As I was walking away he threw the snowball at my head and was determined to launch again so I stopped and sat down with him on the portable of our school.
Nobody was watching us, they were too busy which was a good thing, I guess I could play with this a little.
I was watching Zennatt and Jake from a distance and they were sitting alone talking? They were very close to eachother too, laughing.
I know Zennatt he's playing him.
Even though we are friends, the whole school knows she's evil. I don't even know why Maryam is her bestfriend. He is my bestfriend, and I don't want him being played.. maybe I should warn him.
Also I feel like Maryam would be very bothered by this, them sitting together like that together. although she never said it. and even though we aren't as close as we were before, I still consider her my bestfriend.
She has a good heart unlike Zennatt.
I'm going to go up and break the conversation.
He was blabbing about his life, I acted as if I cared but I don't really know what he said. All I know is was he probably was falling harder.
At one point he did bring up Maryam though, I don't know why. He asked about our friendship quite a lot, and asked why she always had to leave early, why was he concerned? Maybe my girll was playing him too AYE!! I can't wait to tell her all this.
Everyone started to leave and it was just us two sitting there on the hard board of the portable watching the snow fall on us. Marie was coming up to us, ugh. In all honesty I don't like her too much but she hasn't done anything to me, she is just annoying.
Oh my gosh, me and Zennatt were finally talking, I could feel the connection between us, maybe she even likes me. She was a good listener too.
I was telling her about my family, how my cousin just got engaged to an aboriginal girl and there was a lot of family problems in that situation. I don't think she's bad as people say she is.
Marie was coming up too us?! Why?
"Hey guys. It's getting late now." Marie said
Marie is my bestfriend, and she knows I've been dreaming for this moment SO WHY IS SHE RUINING IT FOR US RIGHT NOW?
"Yeah, I'm gonna leave now, bye guys." Zennatt said
I love her like a bestfriend, but she needs to leaveeeee.
[zennatt leaves]
"What did you do that for?" Jake said
"Saving your butt."
(We were walking home, since we live in the same neighbourhood)
"Hey, Shes not so bad. Sometimes you have to get to know people better in order to judge them."
"You don't know her well, trust me she's bad news."
"No she's not."
"She's screwing with your head, she did it to Matt too."
I could see he was slowly getting mad.
"You're only saying this because she stole your bestfriend."
Now I'm mad.
"You know what, I am only looking out for you. If you don't want to accept truth, then go ahead. Deep down you know the truth too."
I walked faster with anger and got into my house. I knew I had to tell Maryam about today.
I know I shouldn't have said that to Marie... I just felt so mad. but I felt the connection between me and Zennatt, I really did, I even am gonna talk to her tomorrow in school. I told her and she agreed. But marie is right, I do have a little bit of doubt in my heart that she's screwing with me, but I would never tell her that.
I need to take it up to Marie, I'll talk to her tomorrow.
I have to tell Maryam about my day, I know she'll be positive about it.
I know I make it seem like I have such a horrible family, but I don't. I just have a lot of boundaries, and it is all out of caring and love.
When I got home afterschool I did my homework, ate and finished my chores.
I sat on a chair and went on my computer, scrolling down my newsfeed waiting for my friends to return home from their snowball fight.
I wish I stayed, I would've had so much fun.
They were taking longer than usual, what happened? I got off my computer and went to eat dinner.
When I came back and opened my Facebook, I saw 3 new messages all nearly the same time.
What happened?

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