We never look back

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Narry - orphan_account

The Halloween party they went to was good, the music was better and the alcohol was the best.

Harry and Zayn had decided to be a gross couple and wear matching costumes this year. Zayn was a cop, and Harry was a prisoner. They got made fun of by their friends, but everybody else loved it. (And their friends loved it, too. Kind of.)

Both of the boys were wasted out of their minds and giggling messes as they stumbled into the apartment, hands gripping each other's bodies and mouths connecting in heated, rushed kisses.

It was a special occasion, meaning they'd have sex. Not that they didn't have sex on regular days, but now they'd have an excuse for disturbing their neighbours.

"Mm, I wanna go nice and fast today." Zayn says, smiling down at Harry who's grinning like a mad-man. "Kind of."

"Go ahead. 'M all yours tonight, you're in control." And he speaks as he pulls his striped prisoner shirt off, gets it stuck around his head so Zayn has to help him pull it off.

Honestly, Harry is a clumsy mess and Zayn is just as messy. They're one of the messiest couples, but at the same time, they make it work the best.

On the way back from the party Zayn had the handcuffs in his hand that he'd brought as part of the costume. He winked at Harry suggestively as a joke, but suddenly Harry was now eyeing them, curious about how they'd feel.

"Hey, babe? Focus on me." Zayn says, tapping his chin and bringing him back from his thoughts.

Harry nods, helps Zayn unbutton his shirt and throw it down into the ground as they stumble back, falling onto the bed in heaps of laughter.

"I love you." Harry says, holding onto Zayn's arm as he leans up, kisses his lips quickly and then falls back, sliding up the bed until his head's on a pillow.

"Love you back." Zayn replies, taking his sweet time with pulling Harry's socks off and unbuttoning his pants. "Mind if I...?" Zayn trails off, gesturing at Harry's hard cock in his boxers.

Harry shakes his head quickly, already aching to be felt and touched and sucked and fucked by his lovely boyfriend.

Zayn nods happily and crawls up, kissing Harry's forehead once as he begins to grind down on him. They were both already hot and hard, due to the alcohol, hormones and most definitely the make out session they'd had in the back of the taxi cab. But it's not their fault — Not really.

Harry lets out a noise, immediately jerks his hips up to meet Zayn's. He's been waiting all night for this.

Sure, he'd had a good time at the party, but most of it was trying to ignore Zayn's strokes on his thigh, a little bit too close to his crotch. Trying to not blush every time Zayn calls him kitten or princess, trying not to scream when Zayn would sit there and compliment him and kiss his neck. He knew that Zayn had planned to get him riled up and horny so he'd be ready by the time they got to their apartment. Zayn's always like that. Thinking ahead of time, planning every move to please Harry as much as possible.

Now that Zayn was finally touching him, he felt great. Completely satisfied. He was ready and commuted to give up every bit of control he still had tonight.

Zarry - OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now