Hand over (3)

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Zayn wakes up early to make Harry bacon and eggs, making him a hot mug of milky tea before he sets everything on a tray, going through to their bedroom with his apology breakfast.

Harry opens his eyes lazily when Zayn shakes him awake, coercing him to sit up straight. He smiles at him dopily, eyes puffy before he yawns, sitting back against the headboard so that Zayn can set the tray down in his lap.

Zayn eyes him warily before climbing back into bed, opening his mouth in acceptance when Harry breaks off a bit of bacon for him, his fingers greasy. 'Sorry,' he says with his mouth full, cuddling up close to Harry's side.

'For what?'

'Last night.'

Harry frowns at him, nudging his nose against his cheek and offering him more bacon. 'Last night was great.'

'Then why were you crying?' Zayn sighs, dejected. He brushes his glasses up his nose when they slip down.

Harry shrugs, trying to get some egg on his fork. 'I really don't know, Z. But I liked it,' he pauses to look sideways at Zayn, giving him a small smile, 'really.'

Zayn sighs, settling in beside Harry, pulling out his phone to scroll through twitter.

He only gets time to properly google over his lunch break, leaning back in his chair and scrolling through search results of crying after sex??? and then crying after sex subspace? before he reaches for his phone. Zayn's put people under subspace before, and even though he and Harry have gotten close, they've never quite hit it, have only gotten to a point where Harry's a bit slow and sweet, so part of Zayn feels relieved that Harry's crying is somewhat normal.

hey baby, just did a bit of research and last night was just your reaction to subspace <3 sorry if I hurt you though xx

oooh cool :) last night was amazing <3 I had to put on my scarf bc I went to the toilet and realised I have a bruise on my neck :o

sorry angel, I'll kiss it better later. Love you xxxx

Harry gets a mysterious rip in the knee of his favourite jeans which may or may not have anything to do with the way he drops to his knees for Zayn when they go out, both a bit tipsy and sweaty and stumbling back to the car, letting the huge body of it shelter the way Zayn is fucking his boyfriend's throat in the open road. So being the caring boyfriend he is, first thing Saturday he takes Harry shopping.

Harry spends an inordinate amount of time trying on jeans which look the same to Zayn while he sits in the corner of the booth and sends pictures of Harry trying to squeeze into super-tight jeans to Niall. After what feels like hours and probably one million different pairs of jeans later, Zayn looks up and his jaw drops.

Harry spins to look at himself in the mirror, hiking his t-shirt up to see how they fit on his arse. Zayn's eyes are just stuck to his legs, long and curvy and gorgeous, leading up to his sweet little arse. Harry catches his eye in the mirror, biting his lip before he spins to face him.

Zayn doesn't give him time to even turn properly, standing and tucking his phone into his pocket as he backs Harry up against the wall of the changing room. He doesn't kiss him, just hovers his mouth close enough to Harry's that Harry's eyes slip shut.

Zayn rather presses his mouth to the shell of his ear. 'I was thinking about your little exhibitionism kink,'

Harry nods, baring his neck and offering himself to Zayn when Zayn just settles his hands on his hips.

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