Kisses for shoes

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Larry - orphan_account

It was six in the morning. Six in the goddamn mother fucking morning and Zayn was awake, showered and standing in his closet. He had meetings all day in London and for some reason him and Harry had decided to stay in their actual house that was an hour and half away even though they both had places in the city that was much closer.

Harry was still in bed, blissfully asleep just as nature had intended for human beings at six in the morning. It was difficult for Zayn to climb out of bed and away from him when he woke up. He was warm and cuddly and had been practically glued to Zayn's back, snuggling him in close and snoring softly into his neck.

Zayn managed to pull on a pair of black jeans and a button up shirt and was standing in front of his shoe rack and something was wrong. He had reached up for his regular old black boots and had only came back with one, the left shoe missing. Actually, all his left shoes were missing.

His first thought was that they had gotten robbed. That some masked man had broken into their gated community, into their home, had walked up to the master bedroom, went into Zayn's closet and took every single left shoe. The papers would call him The Minor Inconvenience Shoe Thief. Zayn would testify in court and bring this terrible person to justice.

His second thought made more sense. And that thought was that his sleeping husband had played some sort trick on him. Harry seemed to think that if he didn't mess with Zayn at least once a day that Zayn would go through some sort of withdrawal. Which was mostly true, though that wasn't something Harry didn't need to know.

"HARRY!" Zayn shouted, running back into the room and diving on the bed, making Harry bounce up and down, "Harry Edward Styles you give me all my shoes right now or I'm going to be late for work."

Harry opened his eyes, grumpy from being awake and also from the manner of how he was pulled from sleep, "I don't know what you're talking about, go away, I'm sleeping." He rolled over away from Zayn, nestling back down into the blankets.

Zayn climbed over to Harry, poking him in the sides, "I know you're lying, please I need them."

He kept poking until Harry opened his eyes smirking, "Fine, you can have them back, but you have to pay for them."

"Great," Zayn rolled his eyes, "We share a bank account so you can just stop in at the bank this morning and withdrawal what you need and then redeposit and we will be even."

Harry sat up, resting his forearms down on the bed to hold himself up, "Nope," He said, popping the end of the word, "The price is ten kisses per shoe, five for sneakers and fifteen for boots."

"Mmm, that's even easier." Zayn answered, "So where's the shoes? I'm going to be late getting into the city."

Harry got out of the bed and scurried over to the door of his closet, standing in front of it. Zayn really just noticed how adorable he looked, all soft and small, in just a pair of basketball shorts and his hair sticking up at all angles.

"Wait here," He said, slipping into the closet, only opening the door wide enough so he could get in and so Zayn couldn't see the inside.

Zayn moved to sit on the end of the bed, listening to Harry move things around in his closet. Eventually he came out holding one of Zayn's beat up running sneakers, "Five kisses please!" He said, walking forward and holding out the shoe.

Zayn rolled his eyes, "Haz, I just need my black boot, please, I'm going to be late."

Harry didn't move, "Five kisses please."

Zayn sighed, taking the sneaker and pulling Harry in closer. He kissed him quickly five times on the lips and then pushed him back toward the door, "Black boots, please."

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