Chapter 6: Rules

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"Yo ! Chanyeol where are you?" I exclaimed as his mom told me he was in his bedroom.

Oh he's at the top. I my wolf sense pointed out.

I went up bringing two bottles of beer and saw Chanyeol looking up at the stars with a serious look on his face.

"Yo. What are you doing up here" I said as I sat beside him giving one bottle of beer for him.

I knew he was thinking about something that's disturbing him. You can already feel it in his aura.

"Hyung, I want to kill someone." He suddenly confessed.

"Mr.Lee?" I replied unsurprised.

He nodded in response.

"It's not just you Chanyeol. Many of us wants to, but no one even dares." I said.

"That's the point. He is to powerful. I know Its beyond rules but hyung I'm so mad !" He said looking at me with anger in his eyes.

"Now I see why." He said as I stared his bloody red eyes. The eyes you can only see on pure wolves.

"That bastard turned you back as a full blooded wolf right?" I said.  Shaking my head.

"Yes. He planned this. He's trying to make me a joke ! He doesn't want Ahnji and I to be together. That's why he turned me back into a full blooded wolf !" He exclaimed.

"She liked you as a wolf in the first place right?. I think there is no problem about it dont you think." I said trying to convince him.

He looked frustrated.

"No hyung. He turned me back so that Ahnji will die." Chanyeol said his tone full of grief.

"What?" I said in shock.


A few days ago.

Mr.Lee summoned me to go to Exo forest for an importand matter.

I went to where he was waiting for me. As the leader of the wolf clan. He was seated on a huge throne covered with tree branches and jems that you can't easily find in the human world. He was surrounded with normal wolves that has no capabilities like us but were trained to fight and protect. I stood at the space few meters away from his throne.

"Mr.Lee I was summoned here. May I know what is the matter?" I said with a polite tone.

"Yes. I just wanted to let you know. That I despise seeing a human happily loving a member of this wolf clan." He said not even moving an inch.

I think something's wrong.

"but Mr.Lee isn't that why you made me into a half blooded wolf?" I asked.

"That does not erase the fact that you still are a part of this clan. And also part of Exo that nurtures the tree of life !" He exclaimed.

"Will I loving a human be of harm to this clan? I think not Mr.Lee ! I have no intentions of abandoning !" I said with an angry tone starting to build up.

"Silence ! The rules in this world has been passed on for more than a thousand years ! How dare you to belittle those rules !" He exclaimed.

"Sir I'm not thinking that way. It's just that I think there would be no harm even if I continue loving a —"

"You ! I will turn you back as a full blooded wolf." He announced cutting off my sentence.

What is his problem?

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