Chapter 7

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Hello~! Sorry for any mistakes, I'm writing this on my iPod. I hope you like this chappy!! :) 😊


I looked up at the glowing yellow eyes. That's all I could see, the rest was hidden in the darkness.

"Wh-Who are you?" I stutter slightly, the hatred in the yellow eyes scaring me.

'It' chuckled evilly saying 'c', "I'm the Ōkina Tora. The 10 Tails sister."

"Well...what's your name?" I asked.

"My name is Akatora." She growled.

The tiger finally stepped out of the shadows.

The tiger had dark red and black striped fur. The tip of its 10 tails had a black swirl, twisting around until it reached the top. The coloring in between the black swirl was a blood red.

She also has electrifying yellow eyes filled with hatred. Surround the eye was a thick black circle surrounding each one.

Akatora laid down, laying her head down on her front paws, her tails swinging in amusement and excitement behind her.

"So, Yuki-"

I cut her off asking confused, "Yuki?"

Her eye twitched, and irk mark appeared on her temple shouting, "DON'T INTERRUPT ME, BRAT!!!"

I flinched back before whimpering, "I just wanted to know why you called me Yuki..."

She closed her eyes before growling, "Your name is Yuki Yin. Your mother is Naomi Yin and your father is Akihisa Yin."

"W-Well why-"

She cut me off by saying, "Naomi and Akihisa were friends with the last known person from the Chōyaku clan. The woman had a Kekkai Genkai called the Jigen."

"What does Jigen do?" I asked.

"I was getting to that, brat. The Jigen allows the user to jump into other dimensions or 'worlds'. It can also send other people to different 'worlds'. Naomi and Akihisa wanted Hana to send Yuki, you, to a safe place. Hana agreed due the fact that she owed Naomi and Akihisa."

I was shocked but I needed to know one thing.

"H-Have you been with me for awhile?"

Akatora opened her eyes before closing them once again, "I was sealed inside of Naomi at first. Since I was powerful, all Naomi, Akihisa and Hana had to seal me inside of you. They couldn't let me roam free after Naomi died and you were their child. They wanted you to br extremely powerful."

She continued saying, "I've been watching you your entire life. To be honest I was quite interested."

I frowned at the tiger.

"The sun's coming up. So...goodbye, Yuki."

"Bye!" I smiled at the gigantic tiger.

Hello~! Did you like the chapter?

Quick question:

Who do you think Xie/Yuki should be with? It can be an older guy like Kakashi( even though he is not that old ) or someone her age.

So you could write in the comments who you want and stuff! :)

Thank you!


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