Chapter 8

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So~! Someone pointed out that Kakashi would be a bad choice because he is in his 20s already and that he should be a father figure! I kinda agree too~! So I'm sorry if you voted for him. Currently there are like 5 choices: Sasuke, Kiba, Shikamaru, Itachi (even tho he is older) and Deidara (i think he's like 19 right?)

So yeah~! I dunno yet!


I woke up to poking on my shoulder, "Xie, wake up."

I groaned and opened one eye to see Kakashi.

"What?" I groaned out.

"I thought we could go out and eat breakfast." He muttered.

I sat up, smiling at him and saying, "Sure!"

He smiled back, I think, and walked out so I could change.

I walked into my closet, deciding not to shower today.

I wrapped bandages from my knuckles to my shoulders on both arms. Then I grabbed a white pull-over hoodie and black leggings. I looked down at the many shoes lined up and chose brown combat boots.

I walked out and into the bathroom. I grabbed the brush off of the counter and brushed through my hair. I grabbed the two black hair ties and pulled my hair up into two pigtails, leaving my bangs behind.

I sprinted out of my room and towards Kakashi, who was standing by the door with his pervy book in his hand.

A irk mark appears on my temple as I slap the book out of his hands, "Perv!"

He held his hands up in defense saying, "C-Calm down, Xie."

I sigh and pick the book up and hand it back to him.

A dark aura appears around me as I glared sharply at him saying 'c', "If you read this book near me, you're dead."

He gulped before I continued, "I'll watch as you burn to ashes and then I'll throw you into the sea."

I dropped the aura and smiled at him asking, "So where are we going to eat?"

He sweatdropped and said, "Ramen..."

(I FORGOT THE NAME OF THE RAMEN SHOP!! Im so dumb... :( if you remember the name could you please tell me? And maybe the guys name that runs it? THANK YOU!!)

I nodded my head and followed Kakashi out the door.


We walked in and sat down on the stools.

"What would you like to eat?" A kind voice asked.

I looked up to see the owner of the ramen shop.

"I'm fine, thanks. What would you like to eat?" Kakashi asked me.

"U-uh.....whatever's the best, I guess." I stuttered.

The guy nodded his head and started to cook.

Then~! Naruto Uzumaki walked in. His eyes lit up when he saw me and Kakashi.

"Hey, Xie-chan, Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto shouts sitting down.

"Naruto! What would you like?" The ramen shop owner asks.

Naruto proceeds to tell him the usual.

Then Sasuke and Sakura walk in.

"Hey, Ducky and Pinky!" I say smiling.

They both glared at me and sat down. Sasuke ordered nothing and Sakura did too saying it wasn't in her diet.


We all walked out of the ramen shop satisfied, well me and Naruto that is. We were the only ones that ate. I ate 3 bowls and Naruto ate 12.

"Damn, Naruto! Didn't know you could eat that much!" I say.

Well I do~! But I can't say'd be creepy.

We started walking towards the Hokage office. He needed to tell me something but everyone decided to come along.


I slammed open the door shouting, "Sup, old man!"

I saw a sweatdropping Hokage and bunch of other angry people.

"Who do you think you're talking to, kid?!" A guy shouts.

I walk past him and sit on the Hokage's desk.

"So...what did ya want?"

He chuckled saying, "We're testing you're abilities today in Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and Taijutsu."

Oh yeah~! Forgot to tell ya! It's been about a month since the day I talked to Akatora. I've learned way too much stuff from her and Kakashi.

"Why?" I whined, "It's so much work!"

He just sighed and teleported us to a training ground.

Hello~! Sup, homies?

Can you pleaseeee tell me the names and stuff! Thanks~

Also! I need to know who she should be with! :)


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