Chapter 12

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Hey peepz!!!! Sorry it's been about 2 million years!! I dunno, i guess i got bored of writing this story? But then I read some Naruto stories and BOOM!!!! Stuff happened.


(It's the day before the announcement of the Chuunin Exams and stuff)

I was wandering around a training field thinking of Akatora. She still wasn't talking to me. It's only been a day and she's still pissed.

'Akatora?' I ask.

'What do you want brat?' She growled back.

"YOU TALKED TO ME!!!" I shouted out loud.

''re still an annoying pest.'

I grinned and said, 'At least you're not ignoring me!'

No response.

I frowned and looked around the empty field.

I sighed and flopped onto my back. The grass tickled my skin but I ignored that. Staring up at the sky, I thought about everything. Why I was here, my life, just everything.

I closed my eyes and continued to try and talk to Akatora.

'I'm really sorry, Akatora. You were right. You just tried to help.'

No response again.

"Hey, girl." A lazy voice announced.

I flicked my eyes open and sat up only to bang my forward against someone else's.

I leaned back and clenched my eyes shut in pain, rubbing my forehead.

"What the hell?" I grumbled annoyed.

I opened my eyes to find Shikamaru.

He rubbed his forehead before muttering, "Troublesome woman."

An anime vein mark appeared on my temple as I shouted, "WHAT?!?!"

With no response he layed down in the grass, staring up at the clouds.

I waved a hand in front of his face saying, "Hello~?"

His hand gripped my wrist as he says, "Geez you're annoying."

"What's your problem!?"

He opened his mouth to say something but decided not to. Instead he dropped my hand and placed his hands behind his head.

'Are you serious?' I thought.

"How am I the annoying one? You're the one never answering me! That's pretty annoying if you ask me!" I rambled only to find his eyes closed.

An anime vein mark appeared again as I shouted, "ARE YOU LISTENING?!?!?"

He opened one eye to look at me and finally answered, "Yeah but I don't really care."


I frowned as he closed his eyes again.

"I'm Xie, you?"

"Shikamaru." He answered with his still closed.

I layed down beside him and stared up at the white clouds.

I smiled brightly, pointing at a cloud shouting, "Look!"

He opened his eyes and followed my finger.

"It looks like a bunny, right Shika-kun?" I continue and smile at him.

"I guess." He turned his head towards me, "Shika-kun?"

I nodded my head, "It's your nickname! You like?"

He closed his eyes and says, "I don't care."

Even though he clearly didn't want to talk to me, I talked anyways. I like talking, not my fault!

"Who's on your team?" I already knew that but whatever.

No answer.

"I'm on a team with Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto."

I turned my head and poked his cheek, "Did ya fall asleep?"

He swatted my hand away and muttered, "You're so troublesome."

"I'm gonna keep bothering you until you answer~!"

He opened his eyes again and says, "My teammates are Ino and Choji. Can you leave me alone now?"

I stood up and laughed a bit, "Nope!"

I grabbed his arm and pulled him up.

He gave me a confused look.

"We're gonna walk around the village and buy stuff! Gramps gave me money to buy weapons and stuff." I turned around to face him with a bright smile, "So c'mon!"

~Time Skip~

"WE'RE LOST!!!!" I cried out.

It was getting slightly dark and there was no one out. I guess we were in an abandoned part of the village...I dunno.

"We're not lost."

I gripped Shikamaru's shoulders and shook him back and forth, "WHY DO YOU LIE?!"

"Can you stop shouting?" He pulled my hands from his shoulders muttering, "Troublesome woman..."

"You live here! How'd you get us lost?!"

"We're not lost! Look!"

He was getting quite annoyed.

"Whadaya mean 'look'?"

He pointed at a house.


"That's where I live, idiot."

I made an 'oh' face.

He grabbed my wrist before opening the door to his house.

"Shikamaru?" a woman's voice called.

A woman, presumably his mother, walked out of the kitchen with a wooden spoon in her hands.

She smirked before asking, "Who's this? Your girlfriend?"

Shikamaru blushed before saying, "No! We just met, Mom! Her name's Xie."

I waved slightly saying with a slight blush, "Hello~."

She smiled at me and said, "You can stay for dinner if you want."

I smiled slightly and nodded my head.

Shikamaru grabbed my wrist and dragged me down a hall.

He let go of my wrist as I looked around his room.

He layed down on his bed, eyes shut with his hands behind his head.

I walked over to a stand. I picked up a kunai and accidently slit my finger.

I dropped the kunai onto the stand making a 'klang' sound.


I clutched my finger before my finger was taken by Shikamaru.

He placed my finger in his mouth as I blushed a bright red.

My finger was removed from his mouth as he says, "Calm down."

He grabbed a bandage from the stand and wrapped it around my finger.

He walked back to his bed like nothing happened.

"Th-Thanks.." I stuttered.


Another chappy, FINALLY!!!!!


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