Chapter 10

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~Story Start~

Why did the next test have to be Genjutsu?!?!

Then a guy teleported in. He was quite tall actually. He had shaggy platinum blonde hair and forest green eyes. He had a scar from above his right eyebrow (Xie's left) down to below his right cheekbone.

He was wearing a green Jonin jacket over top a long-sleeved black shirt. He also wore baggy black pants.

He was very~~~ hot actually! I was slightly blushing while looking at him.

"Who is she?" He had a very deep voice.

The Hokage smiled saying, "This is Xiana Clearwater."

I glared at the Hokage shouting, "IT'S XIE!!!!!"

The Hokage only smiled at my annoyed expression.

"So who is he?" I asked, pointing at the guy.

The guy smiled at me saying, "My name is Aki Shinozaki."

'Aki Shinozaki? That better not be a clan as well....'

"Is he from a Clan or no?" I ask.

"Yes, he is from a clan." was the Hokage's reply.

I grunted and glared at the guy.

I frowned a shout, "Can we just start? I already know I'm gonna fail!"

Aki frowned and asked, "How do you know?"

I smiled brightly and shout, "Because I suck at Genjutsu!"

He only smiled softly at me and said, "Good luck, Xie."

At least he's nice, unlike Niwa.

"Start!" Hokage shouts, jumping back.

He forms handsigns and mutters, "Eternal Nightmare..."

'WHAT?!??' I thought.

'CALM DOWN, BRAT!!' Akatora yells at me in my mind.

Aki stares into my eyes and suddenly the scenery changes to my school.

"HEY GUYS LOOK!!" a girl shouted.

"IT'S THE WHORE!!!" She shouted again, pointing at me.

Oh yeah~! I remember this day....

"God she's such a freak...." someone muttered as I walked by.

"I know right?! She should just go kill herself already! I mean, no one wants her here..."

"Kill herself? Yeah..she should! Everyone would be so much happier!"

Tears poured down my face as I remembered that this is only a Genjutsu. But it did happen...

I pushed my hands together shouting, "Release!"

The scenery changed back to the training grounds. I felt my cheeks and felt the tears still dripping down. I whipped them away as Aki stared down at me sadly.

'What should I do, Akatora?'

'Use the Genjutsu I taught you, Idiot...'

I sniffled and formed handseals.

"Bleed..." was all I muttered as Aki stared at me confused.

He suddenly screamed in pain.

~Aki's POV~

I felt the skin on my right hand tear off and blood squirt upwards and hit my face. Blood dripped down the bare bone. My hand looked like it belonged to a skeleton.

I screamed in pain as it went up my arm.

'AKI!! It's just a Genjutsu...'

I pushed my hands together with great difficulty as I muttered in pain, "Release..."

I looked down at my hand to see my skin in perfect condition and no blood.

Xie stared at me frightened from the Genjutsu from before.

~Xie's POV~

'What should I do now, Aka-'

"Match ended!" Hokage shouts.

Hokage walks up to me saying, "You weren't bad, Xie!"

Aki walks up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder saying, "Nice jutsu, Xie."

"Th-Thanks..." I mumble.

Aki smiled at me and teleported away.

"Next up is Taijutsu, Xie."

I smiled and shout, "YUSH!!"

HEY~~~!!! I'm finally using the Wattpad App! YAYZ!!


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