Phone Call Time

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Chiba's POV.

Chiba was still staring at the screen, his eyes straining because of the bright computer screen. It was very dark in the room, and the fan and AC had finally succeeded in cooling him down. He blinked and shook his head, trying to clear his mind.

He had decided not to go to the event that Asuka told him about. Instead, he decided to be a "responsible" adult and finish his assignment. Translated into Chibaese, that meant that he planned on sitting home and doing nothing like the true introvert he was.

His phone lit up and buzzed, causing Chiba to snap out of his trance. He picked it up off of the wooden desk and looked at who it was. The number belonged to Tadaomi Karasuma.

Hayami's POV.

Hayami was asleep, but it was more like restless sleep. Thoughts of Koro Sensei and Shiota Nagisa filled her mind the whole night. She watched Nagisa turn from a shy mouse into a fierce tiger over the course of an entire year. And then there was the octopus. He was the best damn teacher anyone in 3-E had ever had, but behind that grin, we all knew that there was a brutal, horrible monster. Even so, assassinating him was fun. But maybe it was best that he was dead.

She sat up to grab another can of the cheapest, shittiest coffee that was sold at the nearest Walmart just as her phone went off. She climbed out of her tall, soft bed to grab her phone from her desk. She checked to see that it wasn't a spam number, but the name that showed up surprised Hayami. It was Tadaomi Karasuma, her old gym teacher who also worked for the Ministry of Defense.

"Hello, my name is Tadaomi Karasuma from the Ministry of Defense. You may also remember me as your physical education teacher at Kunugigaouka Junior High. I am calling because we would like to meet with you, Hayami Rinka/Ryuunosuke Chiba to discuss matters related to the skill you showed as a sniper while killing the octopus. When are you available to meet with us?"

(Hey guys, thanks for reading! What do you think so far? I know, I will try to make the chapters a bit longer. Thanks to @CrazyGlasses for voting! Also, I will be constantly updating and tweaking the chapters a bit, so stay tuned!)

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