Chapter one

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     "Scarlett Paisley Paul wake your as up right now or I will come in there and make you!" my mom yelled up the stairs. I opened my eyes and look at the time and see it's 6 am. I slowly pull my covers off and get out of my warm and cozy bed. I drag myself in to my bathroom and start the shower. As the shower gets warm I look at myself in the mirror and see my ugly brown hair and dull blue eyes. I'm the ugliest one out of me and my brothers. My brothers are both really good looking than there me , ugly as fuck. I finally pull myself away from the mirror and strip out of my clothes and get in the shower. I let the warm water run over my body. I grab my rose scented shampoo and wash my hair. I grab my body wash and wash my body clean. I see my old and new scars on my arms and on my legs. I shake my head and get out if the shower.
      I dry off and wrap my towel around me and go to my closet to pick out what I'm going to wear today. I pick out skinny jeans, a cute long sleeve shirt, and my combat boots. After I get dressed and go brush my teeth,  blow dry my long hair and brush it. Thinking what I should do with it. I decided to keep it down but grabbed a hair tie in case I want to put it up. I put on light make up to make me look somewhat better. I finished and get up and grab my phone.  I see a lot of hate comments so I closed out of Instagram and look to see if Dominic texted me. Nope, no text or calls from anyone. I sigh and turn off my phone and put it in my back pocket. I walk downstairs and grab my bag.
      "Bye mom I will see you after school." I yell and walk out to my car. I get in and turn on my car. Something different came on and I smile a little. I like Why Don't We's music. I pull out of the drive way and drive the 10 mins to school. I pull up and I see Jessie sitting on top of her car eyeing Dominic as if he was a piece of meat. I sigh and turn off my car and get out. I grab my bag and lock the doors. Dominic saw me and walked over.
     "Hey babe" He says kissing my cheek. I smile.
     "Hi Dom" He wraps his arm around me and walks me in to the school. I see Stella and smile big.
      "Stella!" I kinda yell and she looked over at me smiling and comes over to hugs me. Dominic groans. He doesn't really like Stella but I don't know why. She's been my best friend for the past 6 years. Besides him she is the only other person nice to me here at this school. Ever since Logan and Jake got big I been getting bullied. At least it's my last year here and I have Dom and Stella. Stella pulled me way from Dom as the bell rings. I quickly say a goodbye to him as I go to first class. Stella  and I sit down in our sets in Math. Miss. Asher class. I groan as we learn about geometric shapes and stuff.
Time flew by fast. It's now time for lunch. Stella and I walk together to the cafeteria. I haven't seen or heard from Dominic and it worried me a little. I wasn't paying attention as we walk in. Stella stopped as we walk throw the door and I look at her than at what she's looking at. I see Jessie and Dominic making out at her table. Tears gather in my eyes as I back out as I hear Stella yelling my name and running after me to make sure I'm alright.
       "Do you want me to call mom to come get you?"  she asked, all I could do is nod as I cry in to my hands. She pull out her phone and calls my mom. Not even 10 minuets later my mom come through the front doors of the school and saw me.
      "Oh my poor baby" she hugs me and helps me to the car saying thanks to Stella. Mom drives me home not asking anything, knowing I don't want to talk about it. As we got home I slowly made my way up to my room. I set down on my bed and grabbed some pj's and go to the bathroom thinking a bath will be a good thing. I fill up the bath with warm water and strip from clothes and put my hair up in a messy bun. Once the bath is filled I get in and lay there for a little. I sit up and grab my razor and start to cut my legs. The water starts to turn pink then to red. I stop after doing about 10 cuts. I drain the water and get out. I dry off and wrap my cuts. I slip on my sweats that used to be Logan's.  I slip on one of Jake's old hoodies and walk out of my bathroom. I look at my bed and see ice cream and tissues. I smile a little and sit on my bed turning on Netflix and switch on family guy and start to eat my ice cream.
      About a hour later I finished the ice cream and put it on my night stand and lay down and watch my show. I didn't even watch 3 full episodes because I fell asleep.

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So how was it? Tell me what you think. I really would like to know what I could do to make it better.
~ Miss Unwanted

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