Chapter 12

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Logan's POV

I get home from shooting with the boys for their music video; I see Scar hasn't left because her shoes and keys are still by the door. I drop my keys by hers and walk up to my room to change out of my clothes. I change and head to Scars room to cheek on her. I open her door but don't see her in her bed. I walk in and see her bathroom door open a little so I walk over to it. I slowly open it and look in. What I see horrifies me. I see my little sister lifeless in her bathtub. I run over to her. I grab her arms and pull her out. I cheek her pals but its very weak. I pull out my phone and call 911.

"911 what is your emergy?"

"My sister she tried to drown herself and I found her and her pals is very weak." I say fast trying not to cry.

"Okay what is your address and we will send help."

I give them my address and I wait for them to get here. 5 minutes later, they come and get her. They ask if I would like to ride with them. I nod and get in and grab her hand. We arrived and they take her away from me and say I can go back with them. I go sit in a chair and get my phone out to text everyone because if I call them I will end up crying.

Lil brother Jakey: Come to the hospital

Mama bear: Something happened you need to fly out here

Dad: you need to come out here

The boyz: I don't think I will be filming the video for a few days something came up

I sit and wait for one to replies. I wonder if I was too late. Fuck, I need to text the girls and tell them.

Stella and hazel: Something happened hospital now

Jake text back that he is on his way and hes bring Chance and Tony. Im okay with that because they are like brothers to all of us. I didn't tell them it was something to do with Scar but I think they all know. 30 or so minutes later jack comes walking in and see me.

"What happened?" Jake ask as they sit down next to me.

"Well I got home from filming and i went to check on Scar but she was on her bed so I went and looked in her bathroom and I saw her." I stop as I start to cry I little. I look up at Jake. "She looked so lifeless in the tub." That's when Chance started to cry and tony did to a little. Jack had tears in his eyes.

"Did. Did you tell mom or dad?"

"I texted them to fly out something happened." We hear the doors open and see two people running in. I look up and see Stella and Hazel. I let Jake tell them what happen because I couldn't say it again. We all sat there in silences waiting for a doctor to tell us what is happing. My phone buzzed and I see I have a text from mom and dad.

Mama bear: What? What happen? Im getting a flight out there now

Dad: getting a flight now

I tell Jake and he nods. Soon a doctor comes over to us.

"Are you Scarlet Paul's brother?" He asked me.

"Yes we all four are and those are her sisters." I say standing up.

"Well we got the water out of her lungs. Shes breathing fine on her own to now. But we seen some cuts and scars on her arms and legs. We think she might be depressed so we are giving her meds to take for that as well. But you all may go back to her room. She should be a wake in the next day or so." The doctor says as he leads us to her room. We walk in and see her hooked up to iv's. I pull up a chair and sit next to her as Jake does the same on the other side. The girls take the couch and the boys sit on the floor. Now we wait till we wakes up to see why she did this and to wait till mom and dad come. Today was one big day.

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