Chapter two

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     I woke up to my  mom shaking me. I slowly open my eyes and look up at her.
     "Yes mom?" I ask sitting up a little looking at the time and see that it's 6 am. I slept through the whole day yesterday.
       "Do you want to stay home today or are you up to going to school?" she ask quietly. I thought for a moment if I want to go or not. I made up my mind. I don't want to go. I also think I should tell mom that I been getting bullied to.
       "I don't want to go. And mom I need to tell you somethings." Mom nods and tells me to get up because she had breakfast ready. I push the covers off and walk in to my bathroom. I look in the mirror and see my dull eyes that are all red and puffy from crying all day yesterday. I shake my head and turn on the shower and striped from my clothes and hopped in. I sighed as the hot water touches my skin. I stand there letting the water hit me for 5 mins then wash my hair and body.  I turn off the water and got out. I dry my self off and throw on my underwear and bra than my leggings and Logan's hoodie. I put on my glasses and throw my hair up in a bun. I put on fuzzy socks and walk out of my room. I walk down to the kitchen and see pancakes on the table. I smile and sit down and take 3. I eat them in 10 minuets.
        "So, Sweetheart, what did you need to tell me?" mom ask sitting down in front of me. I take a deep breath be for starting.
      "Well ever since Logan and Jake became famous and moved to L.A people at school been making fun of me. It was just them saying things but than it turned in to them saying mean things to me. I was okay with it but than it was getting pushed and shoved. Soon it became getting hit and getting told to 'go die' and 'that no one loves me'. But than Dominic came and made somethings better like Stella has. But you know what happened yesterday. Also as they been bullying me I started to cut my arms and my legs." I rolled up my sleeves and showed her the scars and fresh cuts.
       "I'm so sorry baby. I should of known something was wrong." She was crying so I got up and hugged her as she cried on my shoulder. Her phone rang so she moved back and looked at who it was. She told me to go to my room for a little as she answers it. So I walk back up to my room and grabbed all the pictures of me and him and throw them away. I grabbed his clothes that I had and put them in a box to take to Goodwill. About a hour or so later mom walked in to my room with a smile on her face.
       "What's up mom?" I asked as I see her smiling at my door.
       "Well I got off the phone with Logan and well pack your bags sweetheart because your going to L.A to stay with Logan for a few months, because of all the stuff that has happened to you here." She says happy as can be. I sit up looking at her for a minute than I smiled.
      "Really! I get to go to L.A!" I yell and all she does is nod and laughs at me. It's always been my dream to go to L.A and I get to see my brothers again. "When do I leave?"
        "you leave in two days so start packing." She says than she walks out of my room. I get up and pull out two suitcases and open them up and set them on my bed. I walk over to my closet and take about 10 shirts out and fold them and put them in the first suitcase. I go back and grab 8 pairs of skinny jeans and fold them and put them in. I do the same for my tank tops, shorts, some dresses, and hoodies and sweats. I close that suit case and put it by my door. I go grab some shoes and put them in the other. I walk to my room and grab my hair stuff and other bathroom stuff. Don't worry I did pack some underwear and bras. I make sure I have everything I need and closed that one a d put it by the other one. I go down to tell mom I'm done packing but don't see her.

    I saw a note saying she got called in to work and will be back by 6 tonight

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    I saw a note saying she got called in to work and will be back by 6 tonight. I shrug and grab a apple and go back up to my room and put on family guy on and grab my laptop and checked YouTube and see that Logan posted a vlog and it was called big news. I didn't want to watch it so I put my laptop up and just watched family guy. I hear the front door open and close and look over at the clock and see that it's 6. Damn I didn't even realize how long I been watching T.V. 
      "Sweetheart I brought you some pizza if you want it." Mom yelled up to me. I smile and jump out of bed and run down to the kitchen. I can smell the amazing pizza already. My mouth starts to water as j grab the box.
      "Thanks mom. Oh by the way I have everything packed." I smile as I take a bite of my pizza.
      "That's good because you are leaving tomorrow now instead of in two days because I have work and Logan and Jake want to see you since its been a year since they seen you." All I do is nod and take the rest of the pizza with me up to my room. I turn off family guy and put on one of Logan's videos because why not. I end up watching 3 of his videos and 3 of Jake's. I look at the time and see that it's 9 pm already. I grab the empty box of pizza downstairs and throw it away.
     "Mom when do I leave tomorrow?" I ask as I see her on her laptop.
      "At noon baby. So if I was you I would go to bed now so you can see Stella before you go." She says than I remember that I hadn't told Stella that I'm moving to L.A. I run up to my room looking for my phone to text her. I found it under my pillow. I hurry and get to our texts.
To Stellllla 😘
I'm sorry I forgot to tell you this but I'm moving to L.A 'cuz of all the bullying and stuff. I leave tomorrow at noon so hopefully we can see each other before I leave. I'm sorry I'm just now telling you this now. I hope you forgive me 'cuz I love uuuu.
       I pressed send and I waited for her to text me back. I also set a alarm for 8 am so I have time to take a shower and see Stella before I go. I hear my phone ding so I grab it and see she texted me back.
To Scar 😎
I understand and fuck yes I want to see you before you go. So I will be there around 9 so we can hang out. I'm going to bed now so I will see you than. Good night baby cakes 😙😙
     I smile as I read that and sent back good night. I put my phone on the charger and get in bed. Tomorrow is going to be one hell of a day. With that I fall asleep.


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~Miss unwanted

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