Part 1

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"Alright! Time to get up dipshits!" Officer Micheal yelled to us.  He came in to my cell. "You up yet?" "Yes." I said back to him. I got out of my awful bed and walked to the cafeteria which smelled better then usual. Usually it smells like burned asshole.  I got a plate of pancakes and fruit, and sat down at a table with my friend. "Hey Blaire!" My friend Claire said to me. "Hey! What's your sentence for here again?" I asked her. "It's for life motherfuckers!" " But Claire," I said in a serious voice. " I thought you just shot someone" " No I did," Claire began, " People just think that's a life sentence nowadays." I started to actually eat my food. It tasted better then usual. "Is it just me or is the food better?" I said. "Oh fuck yeah it's better! It actually tastes like fruit and pancakes instead of cooked ass and piss."  Officer Micheal walked over to me and Claire. "Better be eating, or you'll eat off the fucken floor bitch!"  He stuck up the middle finger as he walked away. "I've been her for about six years and still that guys is a dick!" I said. "Tell me about it." Claire said. I finished my food and got up with Claire to the trash bin. We both threw out the rest of our food out and and gave each other devious glances as we walked away from the trash. "What the hell are we doing here anyway?" Claire asked me. I didn't answer the question. We both walked back to our cells which happened to be across from each other. We both pressed our faces against the cell bars. "When can we go home?" I asked. "Don't be a stupid ass motherfucker like you usually are Blaire! We both got life sentences okay! We are going to rot here and die here. The only difference is we will always be together! Unless you die first or I die first. But still!" I felt great from that mini speech that Claire gave me. "I hate this place." I whispered to myself. " We all do." Officer Micheal said while walking by my cell. He stopped at my cell and pressed his face against the bars. "You know," He started to say, "Not everyone gets to live a happy go lucky Disney life."
"You're only saying that because you don't live that life." Officer Micheal's face started to puff up and get red. Then he opened my cell door and pushed me to the ground. "What the fuck do you think this? Elementary school?" He yelled in my ears. He started to hit me across the stomach, back, face, legs, and arms with some stick. After about fifteen minutes of straight pain he left my cell and locked it up. I layed on the floor, bleeding and crying. The infirmary people came and picked me up and Took me to the infirmary. I sleep on the bed for hours, and was finally woken up by one of the people working there. "Excuse me" She said while tapping my shoulder. " I have to tell you something about your friend, Claire Adams."

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